Chapter 3- The Third Chapter

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She was at her parents house. Well, it was her house too, but her father owned it. Looking in her mirror one last time to make sure that what she was wearing was in order, her mother came in.

"Oh, you look beautiful." She smiled,

"Thanks mom." After a few minutes of converstion, the two left for the party. "Mom?"

"Yes dear, what is it?"

"Well, I have two�� Friends, that might be coming.. Is that okay?" Her mother thought about this. Eventually replying,

"Dearest, you know we love it when friends come to visit, but this party is for those who are in buisiness. Unless th---"

"They have a buisiness! They're apart of an undersea exploration and research��. Um..


"Company�� Alright then, they can come."

"Thanks mom!" She hugged her. This was it! Tonight she was going to ask if she could be an Octonaut. It sounded so exciting! Exploring, the photos she could take. Everything!

They went down a big staircase, entering a huge room with cream walls, and a cherry wood floor. There were four big windows, each adorning burgundy drapes. In between the mddle two was a balcony. The room was full of company owners and rich friends of her parents company.

"Alright, i'm going to go talk to some of the other company managers. I'll see you later." Her mother gave her one last kiss on the forehead, then left to go converse. Suddnly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw two people enter the room. 'Is that��.?' She thought. It was! Shellington and the Professor had arrived! She took a deep breath, and headed down the stairs.


"Almost�� There!" He declared triumphantly. "My tie's finished. Professor? Are you ready?" The octopus was putting some finishing touches on his attire. Staightening his favorite golden bowtie again. Making sure his monocle was in place for the thirteenth time.

"Alright, i'm ready to leave when you are." With a nod, we headed out.

Finally arriving at the address on the napkin, we were greeted by a butler. I looked at the note again to make sure we were at the right place..

"If you'd care to follow me, the event is in the main room." We followed him in, I was shocked. This house was huge!

"Fastinating!" I exlaimed. There was an extremely fancy staircase that went to the second floor. The stairs themselves seemed to be made of what looked like cherry wood.

Looking up as they walked, the otter saw that the ceiling was a beautiful ivory color with a bronze, 'leafy', accent. The house as a whole was breathtaking.

"Here we are sirs." The butler returned to the door, awaiting more guests. Inkling and Shelington wove their way through people and to a little clearing off towards the edge of the party.

"I'm so glad you two could make it." I turned around, it was the girl from the hotel! She was wearing a light pink dress with white satin gloves that went a bit past her elbows. Where a belt would go on her dress, was a white fabric rose.

"Thank you for inviting us to such a wonderful occasion." The Professor shook her paw.

"Thank you for coming." She smiled, then turned to me. I felt my cheeks get a wee bit warm. "So, about the job... I can talk to you two about it on the balcony if you want."

"Excuse me miss, is it alright of I stay inside? You see, I don't like ledges.." Inkling interjected.

"Of course." So, I went with her instead. Once we were outside, she gave me a folder.

"What's this?" I opened it, reveiling a beautiful picture of a butterfly.

"Those are some pictures that the person took." She smiled, like she was expecting something. I continued to look through the pictures, until I reached the bottom of the little stack. There was another, smaller picture. However, it was face down. I turned it over. It was a picture of her, but why? I looked at her, confused. "That's a picture of the applicant."

"Wait. So, you're?" She giggled,

"Yup. I want to be an Octonaut." I was surprised, then puzzled again.

"But if you were the applicant, then why did you--"

"Invite you to the party? I thought it would be more fun that way." She was right, it was a nice party.

"So...." I wasn't quite sure what to do now, deciding it was best to try and start a conversation. "What's you're name?"


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