25. Forgiveness

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It was late at night. I was out on the big backyard. Relaxing, enjoying the moon and stars.

It was Saturday night and I wanted to be alone tonight. I haven't had time for myself in a long time. Dean and Leati understood when I declined to go out today.

Everyone deserves a free day, a day to get rid of all the stress. I needed this since the beginning of the school year.

My senior year is almost over. Just a few months are left and I have no idea what I even want to do yet.

My mom has asked me if I want to join the wrestling industry with her, but I'm not sure yet. I love wrestling, I haven't done it in a long time, but it's nothing training can't fix. 

Dean wants to be a doctor and Leati wants to be a football player. They already have so much planned, I don't. Just knowing that I'm so behind in my preparations in life, upsets me so much.

I'll be out of school, what will be next for me? I can't wait to see and find out.

Suddenly, my phone went off.  I looked at my screen and saw that I had a message from John.

New text message!


Hey Colby. I'm outside your gate. Can we talk?

John? What does he want? I sent him a quick sure, got up and started making my way around the side of my house and over to the front. I immediately saw him standing on tbe door of the gate. 

I headed towards him. "Hey." I said.

He nodded, "Hey."

I pointed to my house, "do you want to come inside?" He shook his head, "No, don't worry. This will be quick."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Alright, I'm all ears."

John sighed, "I wanted to apologize."

My eyes went wide. Is he okay? "Aplogize? What for?"

"For how I've treated you because of Nikki. I should of listened to you and everybody from tbe start."

I looked at him confusingly, "did something happen between you too?"

John went quiet and nodded. "We broke up."

My eyes went wide again, "Hold on, really? What broke your deal with the devil?"

John sat down on the curb and I did the same. "I got out of detention the other day and I over heard her talking with Randy."

They were screaming at each other for an hour??

He continued, "She said she only loved you, she didn't love me at all and was just trying to get rid of me. She said she's been trying to get you longer than Randy has and that she deserved you." He sighed, "I didn't want to believe what she said, but it finally processed. I confronted her about it today and ended things with her."

John looked destroyed. His eyes were so sad and defeated. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"John, I'm proud of you for finally getting rid of her from your life and maning up to apologize. I accept your apology but don't beat yourself about it. You're a good guy and were just trying to protect the girl you love. She's the bad one. Remember that."

John looked at me and gave me a soft smile. "Thanks, Colby."

"Mmmm, I want to apologize for something too."

John rose his eyebrows and smirked, "I'm listening."

"Do you remember in the beginning of the year that a book hit your head?"

John squinted his eyes, "yes.."

I took a deep breath and spoke," well, that was me, I'm sorry. You could of easily looked at the book and seen my name, but you didn't. So, I want to come forward and admit it was me."

John laughed and pated my back. "Don't worry about it, Colbs."

I stuck my hand out towards him. "Friends?" John looked at my hand, smiled, and took it. "Friends."

We ended up talking for a few hours, until it got very late and John had to go. We said our goodbyes and oarted ways. I went in my house and up to my room, quietly to not wake up anybody. I closed the door behind me and rested on my bed. 

I'm actually glad John and I have finally made up. I had a great time with him for the first time since I met him. 

Yay to friendship.

I sent Dean and Leati a quick, 'I love you two, goodnight.' Before drifting off into a deep slumber.

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