4 years after

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4 years. 4 years of change, I a not the maid of my so called mother, I am now well cared, thanks to the orphanage. The orphanage, thant sends me to school, to have a brighter and better future that I wanted, a big change, but still in the orphanage. No one cared to adopt me and make them as my foster parents.

I am called as geek, the only problem of me is fitting in. Fitting in my school, being bullied, and I am also pretty smart for my age, all subjects ar accelerated, I didnt even took 3rd grade!

"Rebecca, will you pwetty pwetty pwease help me on my assignment?" Sissy said she's only 7.

"But I have to clean the dishes" i said

"Go ahead, Becca help Sissy, Ill just take care of the dishes" Brooke simply said

She miled at me weakly meaning dont worry of the chores

Ofcourse, being in the orphanage is also beig thankful, without it, I will be still on my mother's house, being a sevant, serving her precious dogs, and walking penniles, and shivering in the cold streets. And I am toughly sure that I wont be going to school or at least will have an educated life. UGH, why am I getting these happennings on my head.

Imagining those happennings, i felt a tear slipped down into my eyes. Then suddenly:

"Becca, why are you crying?" The little voice of sissy came out of nowhere

"Are you ok? Its okay if you dont want to hep me on my assignment" she said shyly, and handing me a tissue..

I quickly wipe my tears away. I have to be strong

"Of Course! Ill help you, dont we hava motto? Straigt A's! Now lets go to your room." I said as if nothing happened.

We walked straight into Sissy's room. 

She quickly opened her notebook, and then said in a whisper "I have a problem in mathematics, I dont get what is the teacher teaching, and its all about Greater and Less than, I just cant understant," she said shyly

"Sissy, dont be araid, its just natural, every student have this problem, do you know that I also went in this sort of problem?" I said

She just looked at me.

"Okay, then i explained to her what is the technique"


Louis Pov


Ugh, the stupid telephone. Ringing and ringing again.

"Louis answer the phone" Liam said AKA the Daddy Directioner.

Lazily I stood up picking the phone

"Hello, you just disturbed me from a very lazy day, who is this?  You are now speaking to the one and only Sassmaster of Doncaster" I said

"Louis, look, its Simon. I just noticed these days, you and the boys are going to the club, clubbing, dringking, doesnt mean you are in a vacation, you, and th boys will lose your sense of responsibility. Plus alcohol is not good you know? So think of something. And you and theboys girlfriends arent hapy for your clubbing out So bye" He said


"Louis why are you shouting? The whole universe can hear you!" Liam said

A little bit of Liam annoys me, sometimes he's so mature

"LIam, dont scream at BooBear like that" Harry said hugging me and: "Its okay BooBear Its Okay"

"Well, Uncle si called he said that losing our sense of responsibility is bad, and Our girlfriends are also concerned, so we have to think what will make us happy, and will build up our sense of responsiblity" I said

"Sense of responsibility huh?" Zayn's voice drifted from nowhere 

"Responsibility Responsibility" Niall said with a bowl of popcorn on his hands

"Our Parents are always responsible for us" Harry said

"Oh Hazza, you are just perfect, also a genius, ofcourse! What will make us more responsible is a child!" I exclaimed loudly

"Where can get a child?" Liam said

"Oh Daddy, I thought you were smart, really smart, in an orphanage, DUH!" Zayn said in a Duh tone

"Its a girl okay" Niall said

We all agreed

"And since its already night, sleep now and tomorrow is a big day" Liam said

Yeah, tomorrow is a big day I thought to myself




PS: The actress that portrays Rebecca is on the side :D

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