~We meet~

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This is my first year in college i decided to live off campus in an apertmet building across the street because i didn't want to get a creepy person as my roommate. This is my first year here so i am still trying to find my way around, but at least i found my first class and got there ontime. I walk in and see that the seats in the back are all full so i take a seat close to the front. Good morning, my name is Mr. Andrews i will be your english professor for this year". "Good morning" we all say. "I see you all mostly chose the back seats except for you, what is your name" asks Mr. Andrews. I looked up in shock, i can't believe he called on me. I'm a shy person so i don't really like being put on the spot. "Umm..c.cassie" i say stuttering a little. "Well cassie you are my new favorite student seens you actually didn't sit far in the back". "How about you guys move up closer to the front" says Mr. Andrews. Everyone starts moving closer to the front of the room. "That's better now we can get started" he says as he grabs a little remote that is connected to large screen in the front of the room. "This year we will be working on your writting skills". "For those of you who think that because you are going to be a doctor or something you still need take this class because you are required to and because you still right down things like letters and things that so you need to know how to write properly because you are no longer in high school any more you guys are now adults so you need to write like adults". "So your first assignment in here is going to be to find a partner snd escribe them you will present it in four weeks so that should give you enough time to get to know each other and also if you want to have more then one partner you may". "That is it for today, class dismissed" said Mr. Andrews. Everyone gets up and starts heading for the door."So that must have been embarrassing" says s girl who walked up beside me. "Yeah it was a little i say". We both laugh a litle before introducing our selfs. "I'm mya she says as she holds or her hand for me to shake. "I'm cassie i say even though she knows that since i had to say it in front of the whole class. "Are you finding your way around here easy" she asks me with a smile on her face. "Kind of it is pretty big compared to my high school, what about you" i ask her. "Same it is pretty big". "So what dorm are you staying in" asks mya. "I'm actually not staying in a dorm i'm staying in the aprtment building across the street" i say with a smile on my face hoping she doesn't think i am weird for not wanting to stay in a dorm. "Cool, um i was wondering do you want to be partners for the project" she asks. "Yeah i say" knowing she doesn't think i am weird now because she wants to be partners. "You want to come over to my place n we can hang out for a little while"?" Yeah sure she says with a smile on her face. We both walk over to my apartment building having small conversations about are family and we are from. When we get inside the building we get onto the elevator leading to my aprtment. I take out my key and unlike the door. As i walk on i hold it open so mya can come in. "You want anything to drink" I ask as i set my things down by the couch. "Water is fine" she says as she walks around looking at everything. "This is amazing, you can see the while campus from here" she says as she walks over to the balcony moving the light red curtains a little to look out. I smile. "Yeah it is beautiful i say walking towards her with a water bottle and handing it to her. "Thanks". "So how did you afford this" she asks as we both sit down on the coach. "Well my dad is a doctor so he make's really good money" I say. "Wow that must be awesome" she says with a big smile on her face. "Yeah i guess, except for the fact that i don't get to see him because him and my mom got divorced and he got remarried and live in florida now" i say with a straight face. I didnt want to tepl her but i figuered why not he might be my only freind here anyways. "Ooh that sucks, i'm sorry for bringing it up" she says with a worried look on her face. "It's cool it is not youe fault you didn't even know and besides i'm not mad at you for it" i say with a smile on my face. "How about we get our minds off of it?" she asks. "How?" i say wondering what she has in mind. "Let's go to a party, i met this girl here yesterday in the parking lot and she invited me to a party her sister is throwing" she says with a big grin on her face. "Why not" i say. Thid is going to be my fisrt college party. I've went to a few high school parties but they are nothing like college parties from what i've heard. "Awesome she says, do u have anything to wear?" she asks. "Hell yeah" as i stand up an wave my hand in my direction as i get up signaling for her to follow. We walk into my room and i open the doors to my closet. "Woah" she says as her jaw drops. I laugh as i scotch aside to let her walk towards my close and check them out. "You have the best taste in clothes it is unreal" she says with a big smile on her face as she searches through my close. "You canwear something to the party if you want" i say pointing to my clothes. "Really, thank you thank you thank you" she saysas she runs over and gives me a huge hug. "Your welcome, now let's get ready i say as we both turn to my closet.

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