Harry : Sweet dreams

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I couldn’t help but groan out of annoyance as Harry tossed and turned on his side of the bed, which woke me up. I was super exhausted from work and all I really wanted to do was sleep. It seemed Harry was having a restless night and that was unusual for him. I tried ignoring him and going back to sleep.

“Mmmmm, “ Harry groaned, kicking his legs again. Harry’s arms reached out for me and tried pulling me against him, oh great.

“Mmmm, (Y/N). You feel so good.” Harry’s voice almost turning into a moan. What the hell?

I turn over to look at Harry and his face looks like he is almost trying to concentrate on something.

“Baby, right there….oh…yeah…” I could feel his muscles contracting against me.

Harry suddenly turned over to his back and lets out another moan. I try not laughing because I’m pretty sure he’s having a very nice dream instead of a nightmare. Harry lets out the loudest moan yet and arches his back off the mattress. I turn back over and try not laughing. I just can’t believe this has just happened because it’s a first and that’s for sure.

I hear Harry groan again, turning to his side. It seems to wake him up.

“Mmmm, what the…” Harry’s voice is full of sleepiness.

I feel Harry go still on the bed and pull the covers back, probably to investigate all the stickiness. 

“Harry, are you okay?” I whisper as I turn over to face him. Harry jerks the covers back.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Harry’s cheeks turn crimson.

“Oh, you were saying my name.” I lay my hand on his stomach and rub small circles with my fingers.

“I’m going to go and use the bathroom.” Harry says abruptly.

Harry stands up awkwardly and even though he turns to make his way to the bathroom pretty fast, I can tell his boxers are stuck to him. I feel this wave of satisfaction hit me. Harry was dreaming about me and just that was enough to make him cream himself. I can hear water running in the bathroom now and I feel heat pull to my core as I think about it more. I am curious to know the details of this dream. So, I get out of bed and make my way towards the bathroom door. The door is cracked and instead of knocking I slowly pull the door open. I see a very naked Harry trying to clean his boxers in the sink.

“You’re not going to put those back on wet are you?” I almost giggle to myself.

Harry jumps and turns to cover himself. I’ve never seen him this red before.

“I…uh…” Harry doesn’t meet my eyes.

“It’s okay, Harry. It happens to everyone.” I walk over and press my lips to his shoulder blade.

“It’s never happen to me before.” Harry whispers.

“So, you were dreaming about me?” I let out a small giggle.

Harry finally let’s a small smile come to his lips and nods his head.

“What it a good dream?” I’m just teasing him now and he knows that.

 “Yes, very.” I can feel Harry shiver. And more heat pulls to my core.

“You wanna show what you were dreaming about?” I run my fingers down his side and over his V-lines.

I’m not sure where my sudden boldness is coming from. It’s probably because it’s so late and I haven’t had much sleep. Harry turns and gives me his dimpled smile.

“Hmmm, you really are a cheeky little thing.” Harry’s hands grab at my waist and pull me in for a sweet kiss. Harry’s lips are always so soft and they’re slow with his sleepiness.

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