Rude Awakaning

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So I wake up one morning to the sound of my mom yelling out the worst possible thing "Oliver wake up its your 1st day of high school" I could tell from how joyfully she said it she was happy to get me out of the house after summer vacation(ya more like sending me of to prison). So I get out of bed eat my breakfast and my dad makes me read my schedule for the trillionth time.

Lunch(thank god)
P.4-Mr.F-science(grate my favored subject is last)

Locker number 278
Combo:15-10-5(hay that easy to remember)

So I pack my bag get in the car and my dad drives my to school but 1st we had to drop off my brother at my old school which was like saying good bye to a old friend that you will never see my dad drops me off at a sky scraper of a building and says the most wrong thing you can say to a person in my sneakers "have a grate day at school" should have said enjoy hell for the next 10 hours. So I take on step into the high school and all what i see is a jungle of mindless apes(AKA my new class mates),locks form 1-1000,vaulters staring down everyone that passes there cold dead eyes(AKA the teachers). I manage to find my locker but the dam combo won't work 15-10-5 not working I hate combo locks what are they for is I had something valuable I would have it on my person or at home not shoved it to a locker half my size. I manage to get my locker open and drop off some of my stuff and go to first hour but guess what the dam door is not open so I sat down next to the door as all the apes and vaulters look at my like i was a alien trying to call the mother ship down to pick my up which now that I think of it being kidnapped by aliens would be a better then the popularity contest that is high school. So I am sitting there trying not to agitate the apes or vaulters when a familiar face walks down the hall and yells out My name. It was Roger a good friend of mine that may be a clone of me if everything I can do he can do better he is better looking,more athletic,and smarter but I don't care because there is 1 thing no one can top I am the most annoying person you can meat. To compare how annoying I am you know that fly that always flys arrow do your ear and you just wont the thing to die well I am ten fold that but you don't wont to crush me with your boot..... Somethings. So thank the good lord me and roger are in the same class so I have someone to suffer with. Then soon after Travis another on of my friend stop by his locker so me and roger was hope that we had the same class but no why would he Gods is not that nice. Is I had to describe Travis in one word it would be nice I think it is a fiscal impossibility of him being mean.   So the three of us where talking about summer and how if we could we would make sure high school was never made when Roes and Sharon started walking down the hall. Sharon is a slightly gothic teenager who I still do not fully understand after 2 years of knowing her and she is the scariest person you will ever meat if I had to say how I think I am going to die I would say i pissed of Sharon to much. And then there is Roes who I have to say I had a crush on seen I met her she is a cute little book worm that still can beat the shit out of anyone who wrongs her and my favorite thing about her and all my friend they are all vary inappropriate and hilarious my kind of people. Shit the bell rang now what are teacher is a old lady with a thumb up her ass.

1st year of high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now