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"Father........Father.......... Please listen to me"
"No. Seven year old girls are supposed to play with dolls. Not swords."
"But dolls are just no fun. All I can do with them is to sit beside them, try to feed them and convince myself that they have souls. I just cannot connect with them......They are just not me....... "
"How do connect with swords, dear ?", the king asked completely astonished.
"As I hold the sword, I feel all the more alive father. As if my carcass body was provided with a soul father."
" You talk like soldier Bharavi. But you know that you are a girl and you will be married to a king one day and that he wouldn't admire your love about sword as much as I do. Do you even know how disappointed you mother and grandmother were when they saw you fascinated with swords."
"I care the least what this palace and the society thinks about me. I will do what I love to. And father this is what you taught me since birth. Didn't you?"
"I did teach you this............ But its just useless to argue with you Bharavi. Your father might be the king of Madhavgarh but you are the one ruling him."
"So does this imply that I am allowed to learn sword fighting ?"
"No. First you need to grow up at least till the age of ten. Then you have to learn and master the skills like cooking, dancing, singing, management of household and other such skills so that you mother and grandmother remain satisfied. I don't want them to blame me for turning you into a boy. Besides if they are satisfied with talents they want you to possess, they will never oppose you using swords "
"Challenge accepted. But promise me you would keep your word"
"Rest assure. Its a king's promise ".

The happiness within the hearts of the father and daughter came out in the form of laughter. And these good vibes easily propagated in the whole palace, on this auspicious day.

Just then the guard arrived and informed that General William has arrived and that he wishes to meet the king.
The king went out to meet William, the shrewd British general of northwest India. William greeted him by saying,"Happy New Year sir"
" It's called Diwali here"

King suryaveer did understand William's sentiment of saying happy new year, but the hatred he had against him compelled the king to answer so.
"Whatever it might be, it does not concern my purpose of coming here.", William replied.

This purpose of his, brought darkness into the festival of lights.
Misery and poverty in the kingdom of Madhavgarh.
And loneliness into the life of the to be warrior princess, Bharavi..............

A/n: This prologue is an invitation to embark on a journey with Bharavi, to fight the society and the east India company and get what she deserves.
Please do comment on the story. Whether you liked it or hate it. If you read it. Comment on it. It will help me improvise. Thank you!!!!

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