Part 1

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As leo runs on the roof tops he hears a guard yell for him to stop. But he continues anyway, quickly, he evades the guard and move to the streets *where is this guy?* he thinks as he walks through the streets of France cleverly concealing his weapons
   As he strolls through the streets he notices a rich noble walking with 5 guards in tow. His target.  leo promised the assassin order you would not return until he is dead.

      Leo decides to take on his target from the rooftops. As he climbs up he hears  a musket shot, he then looks  down and sees the noble dead. *what happened?*  he thinks.

His thoughts are quickly interrupted as the window where he was holding on to is hit by a shot, just missing his hand. "Alright now its personal" he reaches the top of the house and scans his  surroundings he spots a figure on top of the church, reloading a rifle
    Leo has good reason to believe he was the one who killed the target AND shot at him. The stranger starts to run away on the rooftops.

        Leo watches the black-clad figure jump into an alleyway and out of sight  *probably for the best* hr thinks. He then heads back to Masiaf
at Masiaf, he gives his leaders a detailed account of what happened. They listen intently.

Then, one of the master assassins stops leo to ask him a question "what did the stranger look like?" He asked. Leo does his best to describe the mysterious man, and as he does, he starts to realize that the man wore clothing very similar to the garbs assassins wear. but his thoughts are interrupted as the assassin closest to him says

       "it was shay" all the others nod in agreement, but leo is baffled

        "shay? Who is shay?" He  asks.

      "A rouge assassin" the first master replies. "And you must hunt him down"
      "Yes sir" he answers. willing to get even with him " i will do my best" the masters nod their approval as he leaves. That night, leo ponders over where he should search for this rouge, eventually comes to a decision.

*whoa, this place is big*

That is exactly what leo is thinking as he walks through the city of London, and he quickly realizes that finding this guy will be hard. VERY hard. But what better way to begin than by mapping out your surroundings? He quickly(and effortlessly) climbs to the rooftops.
     He  decides  to head to the assassin's HQ in the area. On his way, he passes a poor man selling apples, but  continues on. As he walks through the streets his hood and cloak get a few curious looks from the locals and guards. So he decides to change into a more.... Normal outfit, although he still keeps his sword close by.
   Leo approaches the building on foot but then takes to the rooftops to gain entrance.

  Then, he heads into the back room, where a more experienced assassin might be able to help. But instead of that, you find him lying on the floor, with a knife in his back, leo walks up and inspects  the body, only to find the Templar crest on the hilt of the knife. He quietly swears under his breath, this must have been shay. Leo thinks he knows where shay will strike next. But the question is, do you go in alone, or with help?

      He finally comes to a decision, he  will gather help before taking on this undefeated foe.

So leo puts on his outfit, but keeps his hood off so that he  can blend easier then,  he climbs a house to view his surroundings and sees a few opportunities, a man being harassed by guards, a teenage boy caught stealing, and a group of men in a deadly fight with guards.  

      As he moves to take a closer look, leo sees  that the teenaged boy has been caught by the guards. He also notices a man nearby who is putting a watch back on, with a smug look on his face.

The guards are about to take the boy away when  leo decides  to intervene. He quickly runs up and stabs two with his hidden blade, killing them instantly. As their bodies hit the ground, the other to guards release the boy and come after leo, muskets ready. But he is also ready as he draws his throwing knife and sends it hurling into the chest of one of the guards. The last guard tries to stab at the cloaked hero  with his bayonet, but leo  easily sidesteps it. Then, he  wrenches the weapon from the guards hands and hit him over the head with the stock. The man that had his watch stolen just stands there, mouth wide open.

     The man looks at Leo with apparent fear in his eyes. Leo starts  walking in the mans direction and stops  directly in front of him.

"I'll take that" Leo says as he slides the watch off the terrified mans wrist. He continues to stare, to afraid to move. Having had his fun Leo chuckles  and turns away, only to hear the mans footsteps pounding against the cobblestone getting fainter and fainter. Leo looks at the young boy and estimates he is around 15 or 16. with a rather handsome face and  clothing that  makes it obvious that he is a street rat.  He looks at leo with admiration and bows.

"That wont be necessary" leo says as he helps the boy to his feet. Leo then explains how he is hunting an evil man and will need help. The boy listens with intelligent eyes and then interrupts.
    "But how can i help if i cant fight?"

    "I can teach you" leo replies.   

    The boy is silent for a moment then nods.    "I want to become an assassin"

        "Very well, what is your name?" Leo asks.

         "Arno" the boy replies.

         "Thats a good strong name" leo adds.

Then, leo and Arno  head to the nearby assassins bureo and get Arno a cloak and some weapons.
Leo steps  back and takes a good look at the boy.

     "One day Arno, you will be a great assassin"

       Leo decides that there will will be other opportunities to take on shay, and he should spend  time training Arno. So he finds an old building and sets up a training area.  "There" he says as he steps back to admire his  new training room.
    "Its perfect" Arno comments.

    "then lets get to it!" Leo grabs a wooden sword and toss it to Arno.

     The boy shows great skill, but is also a little sloppy but leo chooses to ignore that since it is Arnos first day. After training leo heads out into the village and gets some bread and soup, then returns and serves the meal to Arno and himself. That night he falls asleep wondering how he  will take on shay....

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