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o   is a sacrament of initiation, cleansing strengtheningand welcoming.

o   welcomes us into the community of Christian believers

A.    Baptism leaves a permanent spiritual mark on our soul that makes us holy and opens us to salvation and eternal life with God.

B.    Baptism comes from the Greek word  - Baptizein means to “plunge” or “immerse”

C.     “PLUNGE into the water means the catechumen’s burial into Christ’s death from which he rise up by resurrection with him, as a “new creature.”

D.    The immersion in water(or pouring on of water) of the one being baptized reminds us that we die with Jesus to conquer sin and rise with him so we might enter into new life.

Materials in Baptizing

A.      white garment reflects that in Baptism we “put on Christ,” taking our new and truest identity as a son or daughter of God.

B.    baptismal candle, lit from the Easter candle, represents the one true light of Christ, a light to guide the new believer throughout his or her life.

C.     A baptismal candle, lit from the Easter candle, represents the one true light of Christ, a light to guide the new believer throughout his or her life.

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