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Traditional Sacramental Theology


1.Introduction. Word versus Sacrament

o   We often say that participation in "Word" and "Sacrament" is the means to salvation.

o   By "Word" we meanProclaiming the “Good News” (= gospel), reading the bible.

By "Word"

o   Involves language

o   Addresses most immediately the mind


By Sacrament

o   By "Sacrament," we refer to:  a defined rite of the Church

o   Involves actions, material objects, as well as language

o   Addresses most immediately the senses and the unconscious, as well as the mind

2. Outward Sign, Inward Grace

A sacrament  involves: an “outward, visible sign”

That is a conduit for:  an “inward and spiritual grace”


3.  The Inward and Spiritual Grace or ResThe “Inward and Spiritual Grace” = “res” refers to the presence of God.

Ø       The grace imparted in a sacrament is sometimes spoken of as having two facets:

            1. The “symbolic reality” or “paschal mystery:”

                -a description of the recipient’s “participation” in

                 the divine

ü      For example, in the Eucharist: the partaking of the body and blood of Christ

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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