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"Can I take your order?" I repeated trying not to grit my teeth at the sight of him. My hands were growing uncomfortably clammy making it hard to grip the pen.

Harry looked up from his menu and his mouth popped open making me gulp in anticipation.

Oh god please don't tell me he remembers me! Please. Please. Please. I prayed nervously but I didn't let it show by putting on a poker face.

"Two black coffees." The blond guy answered smiling brightly and I fake smiled back since I didn't want to be rude. I didn't want to get fired on the very first day.

I gazed back at Harry and my heart started racing like the old times and I wanted nothing more than to curse myself out for being so pathetic.

"You..." Harry trailed off with wide eyes and I discreetly gulped.

"Yes?' I feigned politeness. The night never happened remember?

"What do you want Harry? Black coffee is perfect for hung over." The blond guy insisted.

Harry still refused to look away. What did he want? He was obviously trying to remember me. I remembered every detail of that night because it was my first and I had given it away to a guy who wouldn't give a shit less about me. As much as it hurt I had to leave it behind me. I was going to start fresh.

"Is that all?" I asked, impatiently and the blond guy nodded.

"Will be right up." I chirped and quickly turned around.

"Wait!" I froze at the sound of Harry's voice. I slowly turned.

"Is there anything else you want to order?" My heart felt like it was beating in my throat as I swallowed.

"What is your name?" He took a step towards me and I backed off.

"I don't think its any of your business." I said coolly. How could I have been so stupid and naive? He didn't even know my name. I was just like another one night stand to him.

Why was I so in love with this guy when he didn't even know I existed?!

"You- you know me right?" He asked breathlessly, hopefully almost.

He was better than I thought.

"Um... I haven't seen you around campus. Do you go to NYU?" I feigned innocence. My heart on the other hand was going to beat right out of the chest.

Well at least one this was clear, he was trying to remember me.

"Yeah I do. I-I..." He fumbled, "You don't know me?"

"Nope." I shook my head blinking, "who are you?"

He looked taken aback but then quickly composed himself. "So you are saying... You don't know me at all?"

"Why do you think will I know you? Who do you think you are? Orlando Bloom? Get over yourself. I don't know you." I laughed a bit harshly if you'd ask me. I was barely containing the anger that was bubbling up inside me.

"What the hell is happening?" Harry's blond friend interrupted us, thankfully before I punched his perfect jaw.

"Nothing." Harry glared at me. I glared right back. Did he really know who I was? God I hoped not. I wanted to forget it forever.

Harry sat back in his chair with a huff and his blond friend frowned. I ignored both of them and went back in, feeling flustered.

"What took you so long?" Miranda asked and I shook my head.

"Just some moron." I mumbled. "Sam, two black coffees."

Sam nodded and smiled at me and I returned a tight grimace. Why was this happening to me? This might have been the thousandth time I had asked myself but I needed an answer.

Wasn't highschool enough that he had to show up here? I had enough if him. I tried to keep my tears in, I was hot the week Hope I had left behind in high school. I wasn't going to spend endless night crying over Harry like I used to.

"Ready!" Sam snapped me out of my thoughts and handed me two individual coffee mugs filled with steaming hot black coffee.

Just like Harry's soul I thought, smiling slightly.

"Are those guys perving on you?" Sam asked and I looked up to him quickly shaking my head.

"Why would you think that?"

"You seem a bit nervous." He observed and I shrugged.

"I'm nervous around people. I'll get used to it." I assured.

"Oh. I hope you do, the long face doesn't suit you." He grinned.

I snorted and rolled my eyes playfully, 'Whatever"

I placed the two mugs on the tray and made my way towards the table.

"You know what?" Harry smirked after I had placed their coffee on the table. I looked down at him with wary eyes. "I kind of mistook you for a girl I had fucked a time ago. She wasn't even memorable. Sorry."

I felt my heart crush at his words and heat rush to my cheeks. I knew I wasn't good enough. I hated Harry so much it hurt. "Its alright." I mumbled keeping up a straight face.

I was an idiot for thinking I would ever have something with him. I regretted every minute of it. He made me the way I am. Guarded.

I rushed back towards the counter as the blond guy started asking harry what he was talking about.

I hated times like this where I was I had to keep my tears in because I was in public.


Second chapter, ayye.

Tell me what ya think about it. Don't forget to vote fan and comment. Ily.


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