Chapter 5

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(( Hi guys! I'm sorry that its taken me so long to update anything, I've just been going through a lot of things lately, again. Trust me, I'm trying really hard to actually think of things to write about but it's been really hard lately. Wish me luck with everything!Thanks! ))

Reader's Point of View

I looked down at Yugi as I followed him down the hall again. He was going on about what classes we had and about some of the people in this school. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying but, I would listen to him every once in a while. He lead me to all of are classes and I got to know his friends a little more. And from what I can tell, I'm not going to like Tea at all (( Sorry if you like her! I really don't like her at all.... )). She's always so happy and she keeps going on about friendship all the effing time! (( Hehe! )) Yugi said that I still have to meet one more of his friends, Duke. Again, Yugi started to rant on but I yet again, wasn't listening. It was now lunch time so I followed Yugi into the cafeteria.



"Where do you sit?"

"Uh...over there..." He said pointing towards a table near the wall. I nodded and started to walk away from his towards the table. "Wait! You still have to get your food (Y/N)!" he said going after me. "I'm not hungry," I said simply. "Oh...ok," he walked into line as his friends walked in. I sat down and put my chin in my hand as I stared off into space. I didn't even see that Ryou had sat down beside me until he tapped my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him and smiled kindly. "Hey Ryou," I shouldn't help but to smile at him, he looked to innocent. (( Yeah he sure is innocent.... *smirks and looks at Amane making her blush* Amane: Shush! )) "Hello (Y/N)!" He said in a chipper voice. He looked at me and tilted his head to the side, "Your not going to eat?"

I shook my head, "No, I ate a big breakfast this morning." I lied of course. "Oh alright, what did you have?" Damn it Ryou...."Hmm...well, I had two eggs, two peaces of toast, and a few bacon strips." Please believe me. "Oh, who made all of it?" "I did" "Really? You must be an amazing cook!" I giggled at him, "I wouldn't call myself an amazing cook." He smiles at me, "I'll be the judge of that! Well, sometime maybe...." I smiled and let him talk but a tray slammed down beside me making Ryou jump but, all I did was slowly turn to glare at them. Of course it was Joey and he didn't even ignolage that fact that I looked lik!e I was going to rip his face off. But I guess Tristen took notice when he saw me and hid behind Joey.

"Hey (Y/N)! Wait, where's your food?" He asked sitting down. I groaned and put my face down on the table. "She's not eating, she had a big breakfast this morning." "Thank you Ryou...." Joey looked at me surprised, "You should still eat!" "I don't feel like it...." He sat down my me and sighed. Tristen sat beside him and Tea and Yugi walked over with someone behind them. He had black hair that's up in a ponytail and he has emerald green eyes. He sat down by Yugi and looked at me. "So this is (Y/N)?" He asked studying me.

"Yep!" Yugi said smiling. "Well she's ((he's)) as cute as you said Yugi," he said smirking and Yugi blushed. I just rolled my eyes, "You must be Duke." "The one and only!" Ugh, I already dont like him. I sigh and block everyone out, if someone wanted something I'm sure Joey would snap me out of my daze. I was deep in thought until I felt someone brush there side against my back. I glances at them and from behind it looked like Ryou. But he looked taller. I glances over at Ryou seeing him smiling and talking.

"I'll be right back," I said standing up. Everyone at the table looked at me. "Where are you going?" Ryou asked. "The bathroom," they all nod and go back to what they were talking about. I walked to the exit where I saw that person who looked like Ryou went. I walked out, "So you did follow me huh?" I heard from behind me and I turned around. My eyes widened slightly at what I saw.

(( I did it again! My friend hates me for leaving a cliff hanger at the end of like every chapter. Well anyways, Im sorry, this ones a little shorter then the rest, I think. But I hoped you all enjoy this and remember to tell me how I did. I hope you have a wonder day and I'll talk to you guys later. ))

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