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      I hope you like my fan-fiction so far!! Enjoy this chapter😜 tell your friends about it.
              I guess I slept the whole way there because when I woke up we were pulling into a driveway. "We're here!!!" My mom shouted as she parked the car. We got out and went inside. The house is pretty big. "Since its already 10:27pm, if you want to just get your things in the morning you can." My mom sounded really tired. "I will just go get them now. I'm wide awake since I slept the whole way anyway, and if I don't go get my things I will have nothing to do." I said. I got the keys from my mom and went out to the car.
*1 hour later*
"Finally. Only one more bag." I said trying to catch my breath. It may not seem like it, but trying to walk up the stairs with a bunch of bags is hard work. As I close the door to the car, I heard the neighbors front door shut. "I wonder if they are nice." I thought to myself. "I can't wait to meet them..." I don't know if they saw me... I'm kinda shy so me being me, I ran back inside closing the door and locking it. I went up to my room and started unpacking. The first thing I did was find my speaker and hook my phone to it so I could listen to music while I cleaned my room. I was in the middle of making my bed when.... "Oooohhhhh!!! I love this song!!!" I ran over to the speaker and turned it up. "Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away
I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company
Lookin night and low, someone let me know, here do the good boys go to hide away, hide away!" I sang along as it played while I finished  making my bed. "Finally done with that." I gasped as I flopped onto my bed. I then looked at the clock. "Uggghhhh it's 2:00am😫" I said quietly. Instinctively, I grabbed the remote to try and turn on the tv that wasn't hooked up yet😭. "Well I'm just going to go to sleep😒." I said out of boredom.
*next morning*
When I woke up the first thing I did was check my phone. "9:00am!! How did I possibly sleep so late!?" I quietly yelled. I got dressed and went downstairs. "Morning sleepy head!" My mom yelled. She was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. "Hope you don't have plans tonight. The neighbors invited us over for dinner." My mom said smiling.
*After breakfast*
"I'm going to go for a walk to check out the new neighborhood. Call me about an hour and a half before we have to go to the neighbors so I can get ready, please." I told my mom.
As soon as I walked out the door I saw somebody in the neighbors yard. It was a guy. He looked like he was my age.. He was tall and had dark hair. He had the most beautiful blue eyes. He looked kind of familiar, like I've seen him before. I just ignored it and continued my walk.
*Julian's POV*(Bet you didn't see this coming just yet)
I just saw the most beautiful girl I have EVER seen. She had dirty blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. I have to get to know her. My mom told me that our new neighbors were coming over for dinner. "She must be the new neighbor." I whispered to myself while I watched her walk down the street.
-2 hours later- Still Julian's POV
I looked at my phone. "Ugh it's only 12:00pm!" I whispered/ yelled to myself. "I still have 4 hours until she comes over for dinner.."
I just turned on the tv and watched my favorite movies, which are... Don't judge!!... The Twilight series!!😂   After what felt like 30 minutes, I looked at my phone again. "3:30pm!!??? What the duck!? How could I let myself do that!?"  I quickly ran to my room and changed my cloths. I brushed my teeth then out in a price of gum. Just to be on the safe side😏. Then to Finnish it off, I put on my best smelling Cologne. As soon as I got done and got downstairs I heard a knock at the door. "I GOT IT!" I yelled to my mom. The most beautiful girl was standing in my doorway. She smiled when she saw me, which made me smile. She has such a pretty smile. "Come in." I said holding the door for her and her mother. "I'm Julian."  I continued to smile.
*Kylie's POV*
"I'm Julian." He said while smiling.
"Hey, I'm Kylie." I probably sounded very stupid.. But I just couldn't help it. He's really cute. When me and my mom got into the house, she went to the kitchen and I just went and sat in the couch. I immediately got out my phone and text Katie. (Convo below)
Kylie: K           Katie:Ka
K: Oml!! Katie! You will not believe what just happened!!
Ka: what!!!???
K: Im inside Julian and Jovani's house rn!! Turns out, they are my mother trucking neighbors!!!❤️
Ka: Oml!!! Your sooooo lucky😭
What if Julian likes you!!????!!!😏
K: nah, he probably doesn't...😔 besides, I still don't want to get my hopes up.
Ka: well your still lucky! I ship it so hard #jylie #kulian
K: lol thnx babes😘😂
I gtg, we are about to eat dinner.
Ka: ok, bye✌️ ily😘😘
K: ily2😘😘
"Dinner is ready!" Mrs. Jara yelled. I was sitting by Julain. To be honest... I was kind of nervous😁. What if they don't like me...
As we ate dinner, me and Julian started talking. Turns out, we have a lot in common. "Do you want to stay here for a bit after dinner and hang out?" Julian asked. He sounded kind of nervous.
"I would love to." I replied. He smiled, which made me smile.
"Great." He said, lightly laughing.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter😜 I'll try to update weekly. Maybe sometimes twice a week... Love youuuuu😘

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