Chapter 2- Party Girl

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I was the last to wake up. I could hear elisa and alice talking from the kitchen. My anger flared up again. How could they not wake me up?! I got up angrily and stomped into the kitchen. Because of my loud entrance, they both looked up from their conversation and looked at me. "Why didn't you wake me up? The whole reason we moved in together was so there would be no more secrets!" I practically scream. "Omg, dude, chill I didn't want to wake you because I knew how late we went to bed last night. Alice woke me up and said she wanted to talk." Elisa explains defensively. "Alice! You woke her up and not me?! WHY!?" I was very mad now. What a great way to star the day. "Liza calm down. Elisa is just easier to talk to. I was friends with her before I was friends with you, you know." I sigh, and sit down. Being mad is going to get me no where. "Can you at least tell me what's up?" I ask, surrendering. Alice opened her mouth, but no words came. Her eyes welled up in tears, and she crossed her arms on the table and smacked her head down into them. "Um... Im going to tell her," Elisa said to alice. Alice groaned, but didn't protest. "Yeah okay umm so yesterday Alice was at the park ALL DAY with Danny, they were talking about their relationship. Danny said... Um... Danny said he- he didn't want to have to look at dangling pieces of metal instead of Alices face so-" elisa is cut off by the sad cry from Alice, and we can hear her crying from her arms. "Hebrokeupwithherandshesreallysadandshemighttakeherpiercingsoutandshedoesntknow." Elisa gasps. "Umm... Could you say that again, slower?" I ask. "No. Alice is probably already mad at me enough." Elisa says. I know that is final. Alice groans again, and elisa gets up to make herself some food. I stand up and go prepare myself for a pool party. summer is great! And bad. And sad. I can't believe it's already July. School will start soon! Ugh!

I arrive at the party 15 minutes early, and I have no idea what to do.

I flip out my phone, and see a text from Elisa.

E- elisa, l- Liza

E: where are u??? Alice and I are confused potatoes. Come baaack!
L: at a party, but suuuper early. Probs gonna be here for an hour, then I'll have a 2 hour window to do anything. After that I'm going to rave after rave.
E: oh. Can we go shopping again Tmr? Danny text-apologized. Alice feels much better. No piercings taken out, or any other drama. Gonna go treat her to ice cream and lunch.
L: dude, we just had breakfast! How much are you gonna eat?!
E: as much as I feel like ;)

I shut my phone after that, a broad smile across my face. People were arriving. Time to be social! Woo!

What. A. Disaster. URGH! The party was the WORST thing that has happened to me this YEAR! As soon as I shut my phone, CATASTROPHE ERRUPTED! The party was a bunch of boys who just wanted to play pranks. My dress was stained with punch, my face was covered in cake, and I smelled of gasoline (don't ask.)

When I got home, Alice and elisas reactions didn't help. "Omg! Are you hurt! You smell stinky! You look messy! Need help! You should have called!" Elisa is practically screaming in my face. I just keep walking, elisa jumping in front of my face with every step I take. Eventually, with quite a few wrong turns, I make it to the bathroom. Even Alice is laughing her head off. I shut the door, and the whole time I'm showering I can hear elisa and alice giggling outside the door. I smile. Friends are great.

The two hours are up and I'm straight up terrified for the rave. I know that there will be more people and probably less food, but I'm still unsure. Too bad, elisa is practically pushing me out the door, blabbing on and on about "social" and "fun."

It's 12:00 at night.

I'm stuck in traffic.


Basically, the rest of my day was going great. Until now. I take out my phone again. What? Its not like the cars in front of me are magically going to start moving. However, I'm wrong. As soon as the too-bright screen of my phone lights up, the traffic is un-jammed (lol is that a word?!) I make it home, cold and exhausted. (Let me just add I'm wearing really small raving clothes, the ones I got at the mall.

I open the door, and both Alice and elisa were waiting for me. "Hooray! Everyone's here! We needa discuss paulies wedding!" Elisa says perkily. Meanwhile, Alice is sleeping in her arms on the counter. She snorts, and looks up groggily. "Whaaa....?" She says weakly. Her head flops back into her arms. "What's there to discuss? Paul's getting married. Obviously Danny is going, and. He invited Alice. And alice invited us. Ta-da. Everything is planned. Can I go to bed now? I'm exhausted." I say, fighting the urge to collapse on the ground. "Oh. Well. Kay then. Go to bed, sleepy. Oh, wait. First help me drag this mess to bed." Elisa replies, gesturing at Alices crumpled body. I smile. "You grab her feet. Feet are nasty." Elisa says, speeding over to Alices hands. "Sure. I think feet are cool. Cause, like, fingers are like hand toes, and toes are like feet fingers. I dunno" I laugh. Elisa smiles, but looks disgusted. once that's done, I flop on my bed, and make a list in my head.

Okay, tomorrow we go shopping. I'll ask if we should invite Danny.

The day after that, I'll see if they want to make 3 new videos. One for me, one for elisa, one for Alice.

After that, well, who knows! Maybe I'll study. Lol nah.

It's was then, in that moment, that I had no idea of the danger to come that day. I should have studied. I should have stayed inside. I should have never left.

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