Chapter 2

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"Katie! Wake up, you'll be late for the first day of classes!" I heard banging on my door but didn't get up. A few minutes later the door open.

"Come on Katie, I checked your schedule. Me and you both have journalism at 9," I heard Robin say as he walked in, the next moment my blankets were ripped off me which made me jump up from the cold.

"Seriously Robin.. It's cold up here," I stretched then stopped when I noticed his face extremely red, "What is it?"

"Y-your shirt... I'm sorry! I'll wait downstairs," and with that he ran out of the room.

I looked down to see my over-sized shirt drooping a little too low and the top of my breast was showing. I let out a frustrated groan and got up to get ready.

Of course, the second day and something like this already happened. At least it was Robin, he wouldn't do anything bad.

I put on black shorts and a loose grey top then put my messy hair in a ponytail, who do I need to look good for?

I grabbed my black shoulder bag with my books and headed downstairs while shouting, "Robin! Let's get going, I'm ready." I jumped the last few steps and ran into the kitchen to grab an apple for breakfast then met him at the door.

"I'm really sorry. Please don't be mad at me, I really didn't-" he started but I cut him off.

"It's alright, the shirt was big and it droops down a lot anyways. I should have realized, don't worry," I said as I took a bite of my apple and headed to where we needed to be.

"So, journalism?" he asked me.

"I took all writing courses, I want to be an author. I love reading books and I've wrote a couple in my spare time."

"That's actually really cool. I took this because I would love to be an journalist for a big time newspaper."

"Which one?" I asked as I tossed my finished apple in a nearby trash can.

"Any that would take me really, if I get the chance to join any I would go for it."

We reached the building and headed inside and found our class. Taking seats in the middle beside each other, I took out my phone and started playing games until the teacher came in.


Halfway through the class I felt something hit my arm and looked down to see a ball of paper, I picked it up and unwrapped it and read the note:

Oh, Katie. About that bean bag chair, Michael is getting you one today because he doesn't start classes until tomorrow. He's also getting you a can of pepper spray, we weren't sure if you had one and if you went out alone we figured you might need it. It was his idea, even though he doesn't act like it, he cares about people, even new people like you.


This kid is a child, my new best friend. I looked over at him and saw him being fidgety in his seat as I was holding the note. He gave me a lopsided smile and waited for me to do something. I began to write back:

That's actually really sweet. You guys have known each other long I'm guessing then?


I crumpled it up again and tossed it back at him.

"Miss Mills! Pay attention. It's only the first day and you are already causing trouble. This better not happen anymore," the professor said to me while glaring.

"Sorry Sir," I began to pay attention to him again and for the rest of the class I felt Robin poking me and throwing stuff at me.


I opened the front door with a loud bang and shouted, "I'm home dummies!" I walked into the living room and dropped my bag on the floor as I fell onto the couch.

"Dummies? Really Kitty? You broke my heart." I heard Derek walk into the room and flop onto the other couch. I sat up as the other boys walked into the room, then I got up.

"I'm gonna go change, then I'll make dinner. I hope everyone likes pasta." I walked up all the way to my room the put on an over-sized long sleeve black t-shirt and loose pajama shorts and let my messy hair down. Then I headed back down to the main floor, jumping the last few steps. Heading into the kitchen humming a tune.

Setting up everything to start cooking, I heard my phone ringing from the other room and my heart stopped.


I ran into the living room just as Logan got my phone, I jumped at him to get it. In that process I knocked him over onto his back and I fell on top of him. I was laying on top of him with my face right above his but I didn't care, I had my phone. "Shut up, it's my mom and she doesn't know I'm rooming with boys... Hi mom." I said as I answered the phone, all the guys didn't move an inch and my mom started talking.

"You didn't call yesterday. I told you if you weren't responsible I'd make you come home."

"Yes mom, I know. I'm sorry, I unpacked then I hung out with my roommates."

"You're roommates, are they nice girls?"

"Yes mom, the girls are very nice." I heard Derek let out a chuckle in the background.

"I got a call today, from your professor. He said you caused trouble in class on the first day. Really, already Katie, I told you I'd stop you from doing this and anything else if you failed anything."

"Yes... I know. I was just thinking about some stuff and my mind drifted."

"You need to pay attention. If you were thinking of boys.. Stop. I don't want you to have a child and made the mistake I made. Then I would need to handle two mistakes, you and that bastard child."

I closed my eyes for a moment, my heart stopping again, like every time she says something like that to me, "Yes mom, I know. That won't happened."

"Good," with that she hung up.

I got up off Logan, the other boys didn't hear the full conversation but he did because of how close he was. He was looking at me with sad eyes and began, "Katie..."

I interrupted with a sob in my throat, "I'll go cook now, sorry about that." I left the room and heard Derek telling Logan nice job, but I felt his gaze on my back.

He will forget it or pretend he didn't hear anything, hopefully.

I thought that as I cooked, my happy mood now sour. While eating it, Logan kept trying to make eye contact with me but I kept looking away. I finished first, said I was going to bed early and headed upstairs.

Two hours later I finished my homework and decided to go take a shower. I grabbed my towels and stuff then headed downstairs, jumping the last few steps onto the second floor and I bumped into someone.


"It's alright." I looked up to see Michael staring at me.

"I was just heading to the shower," I said as I moved around him, "By the way, thank you for getting the bean bag chair, and the can of pepper spray that I found on my dresser. It was really kind."

He smiled slightly at me, "It was nothing. I know there are a lot of creeps on campus and I thought you might need one if something was happening. My sister had one before," his eyes went dark and the smile was gone, "She kept it in case so it gave me the idea to get you one."

"Thank you a lot." I went and gave him an awkward one armed hug then headed into the bathroom.

I got into the shower and looked down at my arms, the scars were still there from failed attempts over the summer. Every time I tried it didn't work.

I can't do anything right...

I finished my shower then headed to bed, done with the day.

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