Chapter 5

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AN: Second last chapter. Not bad for something that was meant to be a oneshot. But, hey, what are you going to do? Enjoy, that’s what. And let me know what you think.


Chapter 5:

Jensen was outside, sprawled out on the ground, in front of the very car that nearly broke his leg, looking directly at the broken headlight, which he, ironically enough, broke with his leg. And he kept looking at it. Well, now what? Bialy dragged him outside to fix it, but how the hell was he going to do that? He was a martial artist, not a mechanic or car detailer.

“Staring at it isn’t going to fix it,” Bialy’s voice cut through his musings. Jensen finally turned his gaze away from the broken headlight to look at the guy who literally dragged him outside by the arm and threw him toward his car. He was standing a few feet away, arms folded over his chest and a challenging gleam in his eye.

Oh, if Jensen only had his katana and didn’t have an injured leg. He’d so take up that challenge.

He was getting no help from Taras, who was sitting on the bonnet of the car, looking bored.

“And I’m not going to fix it either,” Jensen snapped in reply.

He instantly had a sense of regret when those blood-red eyes narrowed further and a manic grin appeared on his lips. However, he was saved by the heavens above. Ok, it was just Kagen making a grand entrance by landing his helicopter in the court yard. But hey, he’d take that over Bialy going mental on him.

As the dust settled and the helicopter blades slowed to a stop, Kagen hopped out of the cockpit, removing his headset, flicking his long hair back and walking straight over to Bialy, a fierce look in his eyes.

“What the hell is going on?” It wasn’t so much a question, but a demand.

Bialy whirled around to face him, defiance in his stance. “They’re just fixing my car.”

“Yes, I can see that,” Kagen said as he eyed Jensen on the ground and Taras on the car. “But can’t you see one of them is injured?”

“And I don’t care,” Bialy quickly retorted as he folded his arms over his chest. “They mess with my car, they fix it. That’s all that there is to it.”

Kagen seemed to twitch at that. “Really now?”

Upon hearing that, Taras perked up noticeably and appeared rather excited. “Uh oh, he’s got that tick again.”

“Tick?” Jensen asked, highly curious as to why Taras was so excited.

“Yeah, see the way his right eye is twitching?” Taras said as he slid off the bonnet to land on the ground next to him, once again moving in close to his personal space as he pointed at Kagen. “He’s about to enter full blown Mother-Hen Mode. Bialy doesn’t stand a chance.”

Jensen had a slight deadpan expression on his face when Taras seemed to get even more excited at the prospect of a fight. “Why does it appear as if you’re going to enjoy this?”

“Just shut up and watch.”


Jensen stiffened slightly at his name being called in a highly authoritative manner. “Ah, yeah?”

“Get inside and keep of that blasted ankle,” Kagen ordered, though not looking at him as his attention was focused solely on Bialy. “And you,” he practically hissed. “You’re going to fix your own damn car.”

Bialy rolled his shoulder, cracking a few kinks in his neck by doing so. “Let’s see you make me.”

“This is going to be good,” A blond that Jensen didn’t noticed before suddenly commented, holding a long bo staff in his hand.

Hit By A Car, Healed By A Touch (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now