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A/N Harry Potter does not belong to me. If it did, Drarry would be canon.

Harry Potter was tired.

Harry Potter was incredibly tired.

Harry Potter was incredibly tired because the amount of sleep he had gotten in the past two days was 7 hours.

You see, Harry had thankfully survived the wizarding war and killed Voldemort, basically what everyone had expected him to do. He was praised and celebrated by wizards and witches all over the world, and you would think that was a good thing right? Well not for Harry. It was great at first! Ron, Hermione and him getting recognized and applauded where ever they went. But you know, after a while Harry was getting tired of it.

So many interviews, so many hands shook and so, SO many autographs signed. He was a recently turned 18 year old! Come on, he needed his space! But, shouting out that all his fans and admirers needed to get off him immediately would not not go over so well with the public. He could practically see the Daily Prophet articles writing themselves.

So you could say he was definitely tired

To top it all off, since Professor McGonagall was the new headmaster of Hogwarts she decided to invite any students that missed their 7th year at Hogwarts to come back and finish it up. Harry obviously signed up for the new 8th year and now he was drowning in massive amounts of homework.

What about Ron and Hermione you might ask. They were at Hogwarts for their 8th year too. But, they were often too enveloped in their own relationship to notice Harry. They were still friends, but not like before.

So Harry was suffocating in homework and being submerged in his own stress from being a savior. Because of these reasons Harry had gotten 7 hours of sleep in the past 2 days.

Right now, Harry was sitting in the Three Broomsticks trying to drown his problems in Butterbeer. As he was on his 5th or 6th pint, who decides to walk in, but Draco freaking Malfoy. There was a huge problem with Draco Malfoy. That problem was that Harry was absolutely, positively in love with Draco.

You might of thought that Harry and Draco were mortal enemies. After all anyone who had seen them at Hogwarts would know that they were constantly bickering about the stupidest things. Once, Harry had insulted Draco's hair and they were going at it for weeks. It was an epic fight, Harry got a black eye in the process.

But, Harry did not hate Draco one little bit. Actually he had loved Draco since 5th year. Sure he could be an annoying prat sometimes but Harry believed there was a soft person inside the hard shell Draco puts on. He thought that Draco was a boy that just had no choice in the events that happened. He got caught up in his family matters, and got trapped on the wrong side of the war. It also didn't help that Draco was bloody hot. It was all an act to stop the news headlines and the haters. No one even knew he was bisexual, being in love with Draco Malfoy would just make it worse.

So now Harry was slightly intoxicated, with the love of his life walking right over to him.

This was not good.

Harry tried to get himself fixed up, sloppily pushing his hair down, when Draco got to his booth. "Hey, Potter" Draco said with an awkward smile. 

Draco and Harry had reached a silent agreement after the war. They were going to be civil to each other, maybe even friends. Harry was absolutely okay with that.

"Hi Draco" Harry replied.

"Can I sit here?" Draco asked, which was weird since basically every other table was empty. Harry's mind was too befuddled to comprehend the situation at the moment. If he was completely sober he would be freaking out at the fact that Draco Malfoy was asking to sit down at his table.

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