t h i r t e e n

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*the day of prom

Today is the day of prom. I'm going to let nothing ruin my night. Let me tell you, when my night or day is bad, Cameron makes it 1000000x better.

The first step in getting ready for prom is my hair. I'm getting it professionally done. I drive to HairFare and arrive with what seemed like the worst hair I've had in my life. "Oh we can do something to this!" The lady says. I smile and hand her $120. It takes a full hour and thirty minutes to finish my hair. But it is done.

The style that they made was a waterfall curled hairstyle with a braided updo at the bottom. I smile in satisfaction looking into the mirror in front of me. It looks really good!

Next I'm getting acrylic nails. I'm going with the theme of my dress, so I get holographic glitter nails. They look like they were done by Jesus or something.

I am looking forward to food at this point. I decide to get a salad and a lemonade from Penies, a restaurant near me. It tastes amazing. I eat it all and then head back to my house. It is around 7:00 and I'm going to get dressed. I zip up the dress and turn around making sure no Ruffles are stuck. Then I put on my necklace and earrings. I smile and put on my own makeup. Doing my makeup is something I've personally never liked someone else doing, even if they are the worlds best cosmetologist. I smile in satisfaction once again and grab my purse. I'm driving to Cameron's house. I bet he wishes his mom could be here for this. I get out of the car, and walk up to the door. He opens it and his jaw drops. I blush. This reminded me of whenever I came to his house and he was shirtless. I smile and he pulls me into a hug. (Random a/n I just dropped a plate on my head.)

"Are you ready baby girl?" He says before opening the door to the car for me.

"More ready than I'll ever be." I say and peck him on the cheek. He runs to the other side of the car and opens the door. We drive to school, and the parking lot is filled with endless amounts of cars.

The school is blasting with music, and I step out of the car. I hear a few whistles and Cameron shouts,"Back off bitches, she's all mine!" Before kissing me on the lips.

Entering the school, I see my friend Tatiana. I smile and she hugs me. "It's been forever since I've seen you!" I laugh and she tells me I'm stunning. (Ik bitch)

I want to grab something to drink, so I whisper into Cameron's ear and then kiss Him behind it. He smirks and I shake my head and laugh.

"Get me a.....Mountain Dew I guess." Cameron says.

I'm waiting at the drink bar. After about 15 minutes, I get a lemon water and Mountain Dew for me and Cameron.

I am walking back to Cameron when I see Jack. "Oh fuck no."

I walk away, and I guess Cameron spots me because he calls my name. I stop and pray to god Jack left. I turn around and Jack is still there. "Um..be right there!" I say and walk to Tatiana.

"Dude!" I say to her, setting the drinks on the steps. "That's Jack!" I say pointing to Jack.

"K and?" Tatiana says.

"He cheated on me!" I say. She nods and takes the drink and walks to Jack. I hear them talking, and suddenly she pours the drink on his head. He jumps back and then spots me. I shrug my shoulders and smile, then cross my arms.

I walk back to Cameron and wrap one arm around his neck. He smiles and puts his forehead on mine. I kiss him, and then a slow song comes on. I put my head on his chest and he holds my head. We rock back and forth and he whispers in my ear.

"Hey baby?" He says.

"Mhmmm?" I hum.

"Will you ever leave me?"

"What makes you think that? And hell no!"

"Good." He says before kissing me again. God he makes me feel so special.

It's almost time for prom king and queen to be announced. I'm hoping for Tatiana and her boyfriend Nate. This year the prom king and queen were voted on by the students. "Let's announce the prom king and queen!" I hear Mrs. Flitz say.

"Let's start with prom queen."

"With 847 votes, your prom queen is....
Jayla Elizabeth!" I look at Cameron and he winks. I smile and make my way to the stage. They put a tiara on my head and give me some flowers.

"And your prom king is.....with 843 votes......Cameron Dallas!" He smiles so big and climbs on stage. I hug him, and he holds on so hard I feel like I can't breath.

Cameron has been through so much and I feel as if I don't deserve him. He is there for me every step of the way, and I love him for that

P.s. This is the longest I've written in forever
lol no jk but ty for reading! Ly💕

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