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You were thirteen when it happened. That was five years ago, but you still remember it like it was yesterday. The blood that was everywhere, the smell...your little brother lying dead on the floor in the middle of the room. It was engraved into your memory. After all, you were the one who found him.

People called you crazy after what had happened. They said you were just suffering from trauma, but you knew you were right. Something supernatural killed your brother. The way your brother was killed, there was no way it could be anything human. He was torn to shreds which meant that no human could have possibly killed him. So, everyone blamed it on a wild animal. But, you lived in the middle of the city. There was no way a wild animal came from the woods into the middle of the city, came specifically to your house, climbed the stairs up to your brother's bedroom, opened the door, and then killed him.

It wasn't possible, but no one believed that. The only two people who did believe you were your parents. They understood your reasoning and when they realized you were right, they began researching what could have possibly killed your brother.

The only problem was that they became obsessed with it. They paid more attention to monsters than they did to you. You practically raised yourself, teaching yourself things from books you would pick up from the library. The only thing your parents would teach you was basic self-defense so that you wouldn't get yourself killed.

But, eventually, that life wasn't enough for you. You wanted something more. You wanted to go out and explore the world. You wanted to experience what it was like to live a normal life, even if it was just a glimpse behind the curtain. But, it would have to be something that wasn't too risky, that didn't put your name so far out that monsters you have been hunting would recognize it.

So, you decided to go to college. It was the perfect opportunity to learn new things, meet people your age, and see what normal people do. In addition, you would have full access to the university's library so you could continue your research on monsters as well as access to current events so that if there was a hunt, you could help. The hardest part was just telling your parents.


You walked into the small motel room that you and your parents had rented for the night with food in your hands. "Hey Mom and Dad," you said, setting the food on the table. They gave no answer, per usual, and you took your food out of the bag.

You sat down next to them at the table and saw that they were both reading lore on vampires. "I brought food," you told them, trying to get them to at least acknowledge your presence. "Yeah thanks," my mom replied, still not looking up from her book. You gave a slight nod with a small smile before saying, "Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you."

Neither of them looked up as your dad said, "What is it? We are very busy." You gave a small sigh and said, "I want to go to college." This got your parents' attention.

They both closed their lore books and looked at you. "What?" my mom asked, anger clear in her voice. "College mom, I want to go." "Honey, don't be ridiculous you can't go to college," your dad stated. "Why not?" you asked.

"Because you're a hunter," he replied. "But if I'm at a university, I would have more access to resources we could use..." you began, but your father cut you off. "No, Y/N! College is not an option," he told you sternly. "Yes, it is! This is something I am going to do," you replied, raising your voice a little.

"You would do that to your family? What about me? What about your dad? What about your brother?" your mom asked, glaring at you. "This isn't about him. My entire life, everything I have done has been about him, about what happened to him. But, this is a choice I'm making for me," you tried reasoning with them, but neither of them could see your side of it.

"You would be abandoning us. If you left, and if we died from a monster, it would be on you. We need you," your dad responded. "Need me to do what, exactly? You won't let me go on hunts and you do most of the research yourself. The only reason I know how to be a hunter is that I taught myself how to be one," you snapped back.

"Fine, then go," your mother said, picking up her book and continuing to read it. "Mom," you began, but she cut you off. "I didn't raise my daughter to leave her family like they mean nothing to her. So, if you want to go to college, then go. But, don't bother coming back, because we won't be waiting here with open arms," she stated.

You felt tears began to sting your eyes as you looked at your father, silently begging him to say something, silently asking him to understand where you were coming from, silently telling him to stand up for you. 

But, instead, you were met with an icy stare as your father looked at the keys you had dropped on the table along with the food. He tossed the keys at you before picking up his book and continuing to read as well.

You let out a small scoff before picking up the keys and walking out of the motel room. You got in your car and began driving to the nearest library. When you got there, you went to the first computer you saw and began researching different colleges.

You ended up applying to Stanford University and got in. That's where you met Sam Winchester.

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