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It was November 2, 2005. You and Sam had just got back to Stanford after the hunt. You wanted to stay with Dean and help find your parents, and on some level, you knew Sam did too.

However, you both knew that you had a life at Stanford. One that didn't involve hunting. So, you and Sam went back to California. Dean dropped you and Sam off at Sam's apartment, and with a soft smile, you waved goodbye to Dean and he waved back before he sped off. "So, Sammy, that was fun," you said breaking the silence.

"Yeah," Sam replied, unsure of what else to say. Silence filled the air again, and you decided to start walking back to your apartment when Sam's voice stopped you. "Hey, do you wanna come in for a few minutes? Jess would love to see you," Sam told you.

You nodded your head, and Sam led the way. When you got inside, you went into the kitchen to get something to drink while Sam went into the bedroom to find Jess.

A few minutes later, you heard Sam yell, "Jess! No!" You ran into the bedroom as fast as you could. When you got there, you saw Jess on the ceiling burning. "Oh my God, Sam, we have to get out of here!" you yelled, trying to get his attention, but he wouldn't move.

A few seconds later, Dean came running in too. "Dean get Sam out of here!" you said pushing Sam towards Dean. "What about you?" Dean asked. "I'll be fine," you replied. As Dean and Sam left, you attempted to reach Jess, to try to put out the fire, but you couldn't. You watched as the fire engulfed her, and barely made it out of the room before the fire engulfed the entire room.

You ran out of the house with small black burn marks on your face. You saw Sam and Dean and ran over to them with tears forming in your eyes.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Sam asked as you came up to him, tears already staining his cheeks. "I'm sorry Sam, I couldn't save her," you replied. Sam looked sad and turned away from you. It didn't take long for the paramedics and police officers to show up, and when they did, Sam still couldn't move. So, you were the one who had to explain what had happened.

When you went back to the Winchesters, Sam was at the trunk of the Impala, throwing a gun into it. "We got work to do," you heard Sam tell Dean.

Dean nodded and went to open the door to the Impala. "Sam, wait, you can't just leave," you told him. "Jess is dead, Y/N. I...I was gonna ask her to marry me. I can't stay," Sam replied.

"Well then I'm going with you," you told him. "No, you're not Y/N. Not this time," Sam replied. "Sam," you began, but he cut you off.

"Look, Y/N, you're my best friend, if something happened to you, after what happened to Jess, I couldn't handle it," Sam replied. "Yeah, but Sam, it's different," you began but he cut you off. "Y/N, I'm saying I don't want you there," Sam stated, before getting into the car. You were too stunned to say or do anything.

All you could do, was watch as Sam got into the Impala and Dean drove away.

You left Stanford soon after. Your life there just wasn't the same. So, you dropped out of college and moved to Minnesota. You got a job working at a small diner. The pay wasn't great, but it took your mind off of Sam. You missed him every day, but you knew you weren't going to see him again.

You soon met a woman named Haley. She was a waitress at the diner, the same as you, and the two of you soon became roommates. She became your best friend. You told her about Sam, and she did her best to help you get over him. You spent the next five years working at the diner and you began to really enjoy your life in Minnesota.

Then, Haley mysteriously went missing.

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