Chapter 3

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What did he just said!?

"What do you mean!?" I ask.

"I like you Alyssa! More than friends! Not mutual understandings!! I REALLY LIKE YOU!!!" I can't believe it! Luke Cordoval likes me! ME!!

"Luke, we've talk about this!! No strings attach! Just for fame! Just for different intentions! You can't love me!!"

"But, Alyssa your not in a relationship and i'm not, what's the big problem that's stopping you to RISK!!"

"That's it Luke!! Risk! I don't want to take a risk! I want assurance! That I wouldn't be hurt! I wouldn't be left ALONE!! That you wouln't break me!!"

"Are you that afraid to be hurt? Do you really want to consider yourself a coward!?" That woke my senses, and made my blood boil, so I slap him.

"Who are you to tell me this things!! You really don't know what I feel! No one understands me Luke!!" I said, I force to stop the tears in my eyes and i started to walk away.

"Please lyss, you know it's not what I meant!!"

"Talk to me when you came back from New York, and tell me if your feelings is still the same"

"Is there any assurance that you will wait for me?"

I smirk, "Try me..." And then I walk back to the house and found Leah talking to someone. Thank goodness they separated!!

"Thank goodness, you escaped from the arms of your man!!" I teased.

"Oh shut up! You just don't know what TRUE love means!" Oh! Ow! That sentence hit a nerve. It's like Leah felt it too because she changed the subject. Thank god!!

"Anyway, are you going with us at the outing?"

"Oh! Where is that? And what for?"

"I think it's one of Kurt's lagoon, it is for graduation celebration, so are you coming? Come on! Pretty please!?" She said with those puppy eyes!! Uuuuhh!! I hate those puppy eyes!!

"Okay! Okay! But you'll pick me up ok?"

"Fine, fine!" She said before an evil smirk appeared on her face. I think i'm going to regret this decision.

"But let's just enjoy this party for now!! I just wanna live and forget!!" I shouted.

After a few hours, everybody in the house is really, REALLY DRUNK!! Unfortunately including me.

"Ho! I'm sooow drwuuuunk!!! Kuuurrt!! Come on! Let's djjaaancee!" Leah said.

"Nyyoooww! Kuurt is djaaaancing with meeeey!!" I teased.

"Fwiine!!" Leah pouted to Kurt while doing those puppy dog eyes!! Uuuhh!! If I was a boy, I would really date her right now.

"Come on babe! I would chose you over anything!"



"I wove you!!" Uuuhh!! They're too cheesy.

"I love you too!!" I can't take it anymore!!!

"Eeew! Yuck! You two!! Get a room!! I really want to puke all over you!! Gross!!" They just pouted at me, stupid cute couple!! Always making me soft!!

"Never mind I'll just go home now, bye!!" I said while opening the door.

"And Leah!!"


"Don't get pregnant!!"

"Eeeww! Not yet in my plans!!"

"We don't know..."

"Uuuh! Just go home already!!"

I laugh whole heartedly with that. Honestly, it's been a long time when I laugh that real. Old times....

I decided to leave my car here, and decided to walk home, besides I'm not in a rush and dad wouldn't mind. He wouldn't even realize I went out. Because all he just thinks is work, clients, buisness papers and his company.

As I was saying, I decided to walk along the pathway on the brightness of the night I found..... Peace. Something that I didn't feel at the house, in school, except from my room.

I was released from my thoughts when I felt someone following me. Creeeppy!!

So my pace fastened, and at the same time there is this adrenaline rush inside me. Please!! Please!!

"Come on sweetie, don't be afraid we won't bite, not here..." As he said those things, I was really afraid now so I started to run now. But it's too late now, his other companions are infront me now! I'm trapped!!

"Please! What do you want from me!? Just please let me go! You wouldn't get anything from me!" I begged. I know they wouldn't pity me but atleast I tried.

"Come on sweetie, just spare us a bit of your time, we promise you'll have so much fun!!" The other man said.

But before I can respond, the other guys caught hold of me. Stupid muscles of these men!! I feel so weak.

I never bothered to fight these men, but when I started to let them do what they want, I heard a husky voice behind me.

"Can't you guys behave?"

"Xander!! My little pal of the valley!! We've meet again!" The guy infront me replied. So..... Xander is his name....

"But I always meet you in this kind of situations. Come on, release the girl Max."

"For what Xandy poo... So you can get this girl for your own!? Sorry Xander, but I don't think so" I was expecting to be drag to they're van. But I felt they're hands slipped from my arms and before I knew it they are all on the cold ground.... Unconciuos....

After awhile, I felt light headed, and my world is moving around me. My eyes are starting to close but before I lose my consiousness, a hand circled my waist and supported me and that's were all my vision turn dark and the last thing I remembered is his face....

Miracle InloveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon