The Assignment

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"To put it simply, we need you to find someone" A cold voice resounded. You knew this voice well. It was the leader of The Chisisi. He always gives the briefings. This time, it was different. The entire court of The Chisisi was here. Cloaked and masked faces hidden from you. It pissed you off that they would be cowards and not take their hoods and masks off. Although, you really had no room yourself for wearing your signature mask and a black hooded cloak. This just pissed you off more.

 This just pissed you off more

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[[Your mask, you get the idea. Only eyes shown and that black part will actually be black NO SKIN SHOWN that last part's kinda important ._.]]

You were the Amethyst Assassin, mostly noted for your violet face mask. People always say they don't want purple to be the last colour they see. It's because of you. Got a bone to pick with someone? Call up the Amethyst Assassin, pray you have the money, and wait for your target to die. Simple.

You were never extravagant with your work. But it supposedly hurts like hell, from what the screams of your victims can tell you. You never got enjoyment from it, but you also weren't affected by it. It was just work, the lives of all who have fallen to your blade were just busy work.

But now, you had something new. Killing wasn't necessary this time. From what The Chisisi covered in the briefing, you were basically stalking some people. An entire rebellious force, actually. How fun.

The entirety of the assignment was basically this; You had to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance and walk amongst them without them knowing; You were also to seek out information of any kind and relay it back to The Chisisi. It wasn't anything difficult. But for some reason, you felt as if this would be different in the pit of your stomach.

With a shrug of your shoulders, you shoved off any depressing and dark thoughts and left the briefing room to prepare.

Eventually, you worked your way around the elaborate ship that had such empty hallways, it was as if you were walking through a ghost town. You reached your room, which was simple, in the furnishing sense. A king-sized bed with a deep shade of purple silk duvet, with matching pillows, of course.

You had a walk-in closet with various outfits, but most were black and varying shades of purple. The far back of your room was where all the beauty was truly located. With a simple touch of a hand scanner along the wall, you had access to the largest galactic weapon and armory arsenal. Every weapon and armor piece could be found here. You took pride in this and always cleaned it yourself.

You decidedly changed into civilian-like clothes. The outer robes were sewn like any other, but your undergarments were all stitched together with your signature amethyst coloured thread. It's your little secret. You also grabbed an orange tinted tan fan [[haha "tan fan" rhymes]] and clipped it to your belt. What? You always had to have elegance as a deadly assassin lady.

With a content smirk, you opened your weapon and armor arsenal. After walking up and down rows of explosives, swords, knives, and blasters of all kinds, you settled on a small hidden dagger which you sheathed in your boot and a miniature blaster hooked to your belt. You were almost ready.

You slowly walked to your attached bathroom. Dreading the next part. Once in the bathroom, you checked in the mirror to see if any flesh was showing. None as you could see. You wore light tan breeches and shirt with a slightly darker tan over layer of robes and matching boots. To complete the look, an orange sash was tied around your waist with an overlaying belt holding your orange fan and mini blaster. You also had tan gloves to hide the rest of the scars that decorated your delicate hands. Your violet mask was beginning to look out of place.

At a painfully slow pace, you reached for your mask and had it removed by your gloved hands. Your eyes were shut tight, not wanting to see the mess you called your face. You brought the mask down setting it aside. Taking a few deep breaths, you opened your eyes. Scars littered your face. The one that stood out the most was a bubbly red scar right beneath your chin, across your neck. You quickly pulled up your turtlenecked shirt to cover it. Those horrible memories caused by those horrid didn't want them coming back. Not now.

Taking a few much needed deep breaths, you reached into a nearby cabinet and pulled out a small chip matching your skin tone. You delicately placed it right below your right ear. Soon enough, the chip activated and your face looked scar-free. You sighed in relief and dreaded when the chip would have to be replaced, and you'd be force to see your real face again. You began to pack a small bag of womanly pleasantries and stocked up on as many of the covering chips as you could find, god knows you'll need them.

You left the bathroom, mask still quietly sitting on the counter as you packed another bag with clothes, extra weapons, ammo, and armor. You were ready.

You left your bedroom with your tan robes covering your face and bag in hand. The ghost halls seemed more distant than usual as you thought about the hollow sound if your boots hitting the metallic floor. Soon enough you reached the hanger where the three main Chisisi leaders waited your arrival.

"Do you have everything?" The whisper-like voice of one of the leaders dripped out like poison into your ears.

"Yes, I'm prepared" you responded coldly.

"And you know where you're going?"

"I have my set location, yes."

"Do not fail."

"When have I ever truly failed?" With your last sly remark, you boarded a small ship leaving the damned Chisisi behind. You were ready. Prepared to live out what ever duty awaited you. You were assigned for a reason, you had your intentions.

Your acting skills honed from over the years will finally do the job -hopefully- all by themselves.

'Let's infiltrate some rebels.'

HOW IS THAT FOR A CHAPTER? Sorry if you don't like purple ._. It's ganna be your thing now. Also got a chapter out kinda-sorta on time. Ha ha.... Yay?

-Admin Kanu

Edited 2/14/16

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