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We walked to a two story wooden house surrounded by other houses. There were very few lights on. Letting only the smallest of light onto the grass.

It was cold out, so I loved the idea of a nice warm house. Maybe a guest bed or a couch. Markus opened the door and I noticed a large fireplace and a sectional brown couch one side facing the fireplace and the other facing a tv. On the other side of the entry way was a kitchen with a rather large wooden table and appliances neatly fitted into the wooden counters.

Markus pulled me up the stairs and towards a door at the end of the hall. A small lazily painted sign read 'alpha and luna.' Something about that felt odd.

He opened the door and it was a large bedroom. In the middle against the wall was a king size bed with dark blankets and gray pillows, a nightstand on each side and two dressers facing each other from across the room.

"This is where we will sleep," he said. I noticed the word 'we.'

I started to sign to ask, but he grabbed my hands again and sighed. He kissed each of my knuckles and sent a pleasant wave of electricity through me.

"I wish I could understand you. Maybe you can help me. Slowly, but surely you can teach me. Would you mind that?" He asked. I felt so confused and waited for him to laugh and tell me it was a joke. He sighed. "Anyway, let's get some sleep."

He pulled me to the bed and laid down. I stood there looking at him.

"Come on," he said smiling. "Just sleep. I promise."

I got into the bed a little hesitantly and immediately sank into the comforter and soft pillows. The mattress was so soft and perfect. I was falling in love with this bed.

Markus was watching me with a soft smile. He looked a little tired. His bright eyes were closing, but he was trying his best to keep them open and on me. His dark hair was a mess against the pillow.

"I know it's a little weird, but please try to rest," he said with a yawn. "I bet you're cute when you wake up."

He fell asleep and I was awake for only about half an hour before I fell asleep.

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