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I woke up surrounded by the most amazing smell. I snuggled closer to the smell and sighed happily. My wolf was so happy. I felt someone's arms tighten around me and heard him sigh.

I looked up at Markus. He was still asleep. I tried to move away from him to get up, but his arms were still around me. As I tried to slip out of his arms, he opened his eyes and looked down at me.

"Hi," he whispered. I nodded. I couldn't wave with his arms around me like this. He smiled.

Our mate. My wolf sighed.

Where the heck have you been?!

I'm sorry little love, she said I don't know what that man did but I couldn't get through.

I looked at Markus and wanted so badly to speak to him.

Can we mind link him?

No, only Alphas can mind link without prior connections.

How do you know?

I know very little of this world, little love. The goddess came in our dreams and taught us all I know.

How do you know it wasn't just a dream?

I just know.

"Is your wolf back?" Markus asked pulling me from our conversation. I nodded.

"That's nice to hear," he smiled. "We should take you home."

Celena whined out loud. He chuckled. I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Celena had a voice that I could use. I just couldn't form words with that voice. Just growls and whines.

"It's not goodbye. I'm taking you back, but there's no way that means I'm losing my little mate." I felt overjoyed at his words. What if he's lying? Why do I even care? Stop caring!

There was a knock at the door and I jumped when Markus suddenly shouted for them to enter. The man from the woods came in with a bag. He poured the contents on the bed with a smile before laughing and leaving.

"Did you have to dump it?" Markus shouted after him earning a laugh from somewhere down the hall. He rolled his eyes.

All across the bottom of the bed was pens and pencils and pads of paper from pocket size to legal pads. I wanted to grab one so I could talk to my mate, but I didn't. I knew this trick. Put something I want right in front of me and hit me when I reach for it. He handed me a notebook and a purple pen. "Talk to me?"

I smiled and nodded before I started writing. I wanted to know when I would go home, but I had more important things to know.

Will you tell me more about mates? He smiled.

"Of course," he leaned against the post at the foot of the bed. "I already told you we were mates, so you understand the attraction. I mean, we just met and we were cuddling, that doesn't usually happen among strangers. The moon goddess creates each wolf as a half. Then she creates the perfect person to be the other half. When these two find each other they know, like I knew you were mine. Most of the time the scent is the first thing that makes them notice each other. You usually smell something you would describe as the most amazing scent, then you see them... and you just know."

That sounds so... idk... something. Something good... I wrote.

He laughed and I smiled. I mentally questioned everything about this, but I couldn't deny that I loved every bit of it. I couldn't deny what I was already feeling for him. The idea of not feeling that for him physically and mentally hurt, which made me question my sanity even farther.

What does the sign on the door mean? Alpha and Luna.

"Oh," he smiled at me, but he looked a little nervous. "An Alpha is the leader of a pack, the Luna is his mate who helps run the pack."

I could tell there was more to it, but he simply smiled. I wanted to press for more, but was afraid to upset him. I smiled at him and he tried to smile back. He sighed, "okay so there's more."


"A Luna is expected to have the Alpha's son." He sort of smiled. "And daughters are fine as long as there is a son, and we have to keep trying until we get a boy."

What if we don't have a son?

"Like I said, keep trying until we have a son. Boys don't run in my family. Not all packs are that way. Some can have female leaders. We aren't one of those packs."

Why did you act so weird about telling me that?

"I didn't know if you would have a problem with that. The fact that to be my mate you don't get a choice in kids or no kids. If you choose not to reject me, you have to have my children." He said. He tried to smile. "So, like kids?"

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