Chapter One : Sleeping with a Stranger

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3:13 am
Beverly Hills
Henderson Residence

Carmen couldn't get to sleep not with so much plaguing her mind. Looking over at her sleeping husband she realized that he was the reason why she hadn't been getting more than a couple of hours of sleep the past couple of months. Andrew had been acting very withdrawn with her, and she had no idea why . He wasn't cheating she knew that for sure . In fact she had her friend Charles, who happened to be a private investigator, following his every move. It was wrong but she had to know why he wouldn't touch her, why he refused to show her even an ounce of affection. That was pretty odd for him because the seven years they had been together he was always affectionate and couldn't keep his hands off her , and now when the two were in the same room together there was always tension and not the sexual kind . She had tried many times to confront their situation but he'd always blow her off . But now she was fed up and wanted answers , and she didn't care what time it was . She was tired of being ignored .

"Drew," she whispered shaking his shoulder to wake him . He grunted in his sleep rolling away from her, he had always been a deep sleeper but she knew damn well he felt her shaking him. So choosing another method one that she'd probably regret later she popped him right in the back of the head . He sat up in bed eyes half opened rubbing the back of his head, "What the fuck Carmen what was that for?" She looked up at him nervously through her lashes as she fiddled with her fingers, "We need to talk." He turned to his alarm clock and noticed the time, about to snuggle back under the covers, "We can talk in the morning, I'm going back to bed."

"Nigga get up it is the morning, I've been trying to talk to you for a while now and now we're gonna talk." She said a little more aggressively this time. Raising back up her looked at her, pure annoyance written on his face, "What is it Carmen what do you want?" The way he was speaking to her slightly made her regret waking a sleeping Andrew but it was now or never . "You've been acting strange these past couple of months, you won't touch me at all, am I no longer attractive to you? Do you not love me anymore is that it?" She was crying at this point, at three in the morning poring her heart out to her husband. "I'm trying Andrew I really am but there's only so much I can do , so please let me know what I'm doing wrong so I can fix it."

Rubbing his hand over his face, sighing loudly Andrew looked at his wife, "I don't know how to tell you this Car but I just don't feel it anymore."

"Don't feel what anymore? What don't you feel?" Yelling at him now as years spilled down her face, and clouded her vision. "Do you not find me sexy anymore is that it do you want someone else huh?" The entire time he had a blank expression on his face, he was void of emotion, the least he could've done was shown that he was affected by his crying wife, if nothing else .

"I've fallen out of love with you Carmen." He said simply. She could've sworn her heart shattered and fell out of her chest and onto to the floor in a meaningless pile in that instant . She thought that maybe he was gonna say that she needs to step her sexy up . That would've been easy throw on some lingerie start doing her makeup more often like when they first started dating. Show up to his office in nothing but a trench coat and stilettos and surprise him with some lunchtime sex. But he'd fallen out of love with her how the hell was she supposed to fix that? "When? When did you realize you weren't in love with me anymore?"

"I don't really know..." He said scratching his head, but she wasn't accepting an I don't know she wanted clear cut answers. "When the fuck did you realize Andrew and why is it taking me to have to raise my voice to get you to tell me this don't you think I would've liked to know that the man I vowed to love for the rest of my life no longer loved me?" He opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. He didn't know how to respond. Obviously he knew how he went about this was wrong. "I'm sorry." Was his reply.

"Get out," she spat at him "Get the fuck out of my house." She couldn't look at him another second more, he had broken her heart, but shut what did it matter she no longer had his. He rose from the bed quietly and went to the closet packing clothes in a bag wordlessly, as she watched him from their marriage bed with venomous eyes.

She was livid. But damn she was still in love with him, Although she loved him she wouldn't dare stay in a one sided marriage, that would lead to nothing but pain misery and regret. And it took all her power to hold back her tears as she watched her husband pack his clothes, she wanted to take back what she said and tell him to stay that she wants to fix it , wants him to love her again. But she also knows they need to give it time. To see if it's even worth fighting for.

Coming out the closet with a duffel bad filled with his belonging over his shoulder he came to her and kissed her forehead, before walking out of their bedroom. She could hear him pick the car keys off the table and hear the soft closing of the front doors. It was then that she finally let the tears fall , and she didn't try to stop them. There was no use in holding back anymore. She had done enough of that .

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