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I woke up with the sun piercing through my eyes.

" grrr.... Huh?" I question as I feel a pair of strong arms wrapping around me.

"Hey beautiful." Mark chuckled.

"Hey.... Oops... Sorry I fell asleep in your bed." I say as I turn and face mark.

"Its fine. I like you cuddling me at night." He laughed.

"Oh... Was I?" I mumble awkwardly.

"Yeah.... Its fine. Plus, you look cute with your bed head." He laughs.

"Oh shit!!! Don't look at me." I yell as I run out of his room and run to the bathroom.

I listen through the door and hear mark laughing.

I fix myself up and walk back to the room.

"Mark?" I call.

"Boo!!" He shouts as he jumps out from the back of the door.

"Ahh!" I screech.

I laugh and look at him.

'Oh... He has his shirt off...." I think as I blush.

"What? You blushing because mark-i-moo has no shirt on?" He said as he flexes his muscles.

"Don't flatter yourself." I laugh as I hug him.

"Its 7am so we better get sorted." He says as he lifts me up and chucks me onto the bed.

"Mark!" I complain.

"You gotta get ready.... So you get changed while I cook breakfast." He laughs.

"Ok.....Markiplier. " I laugh as I get changed.

~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ok, I'm ready." I say as I bounce down the stairs.

"Finally.... Your breakfast is on the bench." He chuckles as he points towards a bowl full of bake beans.

"Yum!" I exclaim.

"I'll be back." He says in his dark-iplier voice.

"Ok." I say as I stuff my face full of bake beans.

~~~~~~~~~~time Skippy ~~~~~~∆

"Ok. I'm ready." I say as I come out with my suitcase.

"Cool... Let's go!!" He shouts.

~~~another freakin' time skip~~~

We arrive at the airport with our bags.

"Come on. I don't want to miss the flight!" I yell.

Just as I say that, 2 teenager looking girls came running up to Mark.

"Omg!!! Markiplier!! Can we please get a photo?!" The tall-ish looking one said.

I'm not going to lie but I had a negative feeling down in my gut.

'Sadness?.... No....... anger? .....no........jealousy?........ Probably.' I think to myself.

As mark finished the autographs, he looks at me and he smiles.

"Is girliplier jealous?" He nudges.

"No.... I'm just excited because I'm meeting jacksepticeye." I lie.

"Sure.." He chuckles.

"I think our flight is boarding now." I say, quickly changing the subject.

We walk towards a plane gate and board the plane.

As we take off, so does my stomach.

"Aw, baby.." Mark soothes as he hands me a vomit bag.

I felt tears well-up in my eyes.

Mark pats my back and I soon stop.

"You ok now?" He ask as he hugs me.

I nod my head and hug him back.

As I clean myself off in the bathroom, I think to myself.

"How the hell did I get a handsome YouTuber as my boyfriend." I mumble.

"Oh my god!! We haven't even had our first kiss!" I say.

"I heard that." A voice said.

"Mark?" I giggle.

"Yep!" How ya feeling?" He laughs.

"I'm good now." I say.


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