Mr Witchy have you forgotten your manners

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"Owen lovely to see you." I said while casually leaning against a wall in his kitchen.

"What do you need Clara?"

"Who says I need anything Owen can't I just visit an old friend?"

"No, now tell me what you want before I make you get out of my house."

"Now Owen no need to be rude I just wanted you to make a daylight ring for a friend of mine with this ring." I held out the ring with a blue stone in the middle and Owen took it. I watched as Owen chanted in some old language probably Latin and then passed the ring to me.

"It's done now get out."

"Manners Owen where are they?"

"Yeah sorry I'm not polite to bloodsucking whore's like you!"

"Owen I'm hurt I thought we were friends."

"We were never friends now get out!" I felt a pain in my head and I clutched it in pain until I got over it and I growled at Owen.

"Bad mistake Witchy! You sure are an idiot now the ring better be spelt properly bye Owen see you in hell!" I said before running over to him and snapped his neck.

Since when was Owen such a bad boy. I like it too bad he is dead now oh well plenty more boys like him. Anyway I was so not concentrating on boys at the moment I had bigger problems at the hand like not letting people know who turned me because it would all turn out all badly. Someone would probably get killed most likely Damon and that would be a shame there aren't that many fun people around here. I jumped through Caroline's window and she jumped back in to a corner glaring at me and I just laughed.

"Sorry Care be happy I have your early Christmas present."

"But it's the middle of May!" Caroline protested and I threw the ring at her and she caught it effortlessly.

"What's this ugly thing?"

"That's your daylight ring sorry it's so ugly but most daylight jewellery is pretty ugly. It would be better if the magical jewel was like a sapphire or a crystal you know an actual pretty colour."

"Yeah but I can't really imagine Stefan or Damon wearing a crystal its not exactly the manliest jewel in the world."

"Yeah but that would be pretty funny now are you coming or what? Stefan says as soon as he teaches you to hunt those poor innocent bunnies we can go to the swimming hole and he says I cant go without you so let's hurry up. I want to get drunk cause being drunk is the only fun thing to do in this town apart from getting in trouble."

I followed Caroline in to the forest and watched as she killed the poor defenceless woodland animals and afterwards we got to the fun part, the partying. "Sorry Stef but you're not allowed to come there is a strict rule against destroying the wildlife and I think you may just lose control and accidently kill a poor defenceless squirrel. Come on Caroline I'll show you how to have fun with the advantages of the whoreish bloodthirsty life of a vampire."

"Hey Tyler." I said going up to the Lockwood boy who luckily knew nothing of his uncles secret.

"Oh hey Clara what's up?"

"Oh Ty, wanna go somewhere private." and he immediately got what I meant. We went deep in the woods for a few hours but when we heard voices we made ourselves suitable and I saw that Caroline and Matt where around here. "Ty it's Matt and Caroline what do we do?"

"Easy we wait for them to leave and then we get the hell here ourselves."

"Aw is Tyler afraid of the dark."

"No but my uncle said we couldn't be out into the woods after dark."

"And since when does anyone tell Tyler Lockwood what to do?" I asked him and then I pushed him against the tree and then I saw a dark figure. "Tyler I think I saw something."

"It was probably nothing Clara." Tyler said then I was pushed to the ground by a large wolf who I knew exactly who he was but I couldn't afford for the wolf to be killed because he had the moonstone which I needed. I pushed the wolf off me and ran leading it away from Tyler and possibly Matt and Caroline.

The forgotten girl(A vampire diaries fanfiction)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now