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3rd pov;

In was a peaceful day at the leaf village, in the hokage mansion, where hashimara senju is doing paperwork in his office in peace, with his best friend and brother.

His peace was suddenly disturb by a ninja coming in.

"hokage-sama i bring great news we found a new powerful clan there location is close to our border between the sand village sir"the Anbu informed the hokage,while handing him a scroll containing the information of the new clan, hashirama dismissed the Anbu and read the scroll.

Hashimara's eye widen, when he read the content of the book, "brother what's the matter"tobirama
Senju the younger brother of hashirama the hokage,ask him worriedly.

Madara Uchiha the right hand man of the hokage, was curious as to what the scroll contains.

"t-this is am-amazing, it says here without even using chakra or any weapons ,they can break through big rocks and, there speed its incredible they move like lightning, you may identify them because of there flaming red hair and piercing golden eye"hashimara said out loud for his brother and friend to hear, and they were amazed by the information they received.

"well what are we waiting for lets go and see this amazing clan"madara impatiently said while standing up from his seat, tobirama seem to agree with madara, hashirama signed and stand up to "let's go"with that they packed and left for the journey

Somewhere unknown

"tanchou there coming" informed a spy

"send squad 4 to guide them here"
A female with long red hair ordered

Back to where hashirama's group:

"come on tobi-chan,marada hurry"said hashirama"brother i think it is wise if we slow down a bit"replied a huffing tobirama.

"for once i agree with tobirama,hashirama we need to slow down at this rate if we get ambush we will be by then out of chakra"madara informed hashirama.

*sigh*"fine let's take a break he-"hashirama's sentence was cut off by a kunai flying near his face.

"hora hora what do we have here, a couple of shady boys,right myuki"said a girl with long red hair In low pig tails and has golden eyes with a scar across her face there was a peirce in the bottom of her lip.

The other girl has long red hair in a ponytail has light tan skin also has a peirce on the bottom of her lip with her golden eyes.

"who are you little girl"hashirama's words unintentionally insulted one of the red headed girls.

"Y-YOU,HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME YOU BIMBO!!!"shouted the shorter red headed girl in rage,"akiko calm down it is not good to show your frustration to your enemy"the other red headed girl who's taller then the first one ,said calmly to her angered companion.

Hashirama,tobirama and madara watch in amusement at how the two girls argue, there attention was back to them when hashirama accidentaly chuckled at loud.

"*cough* well now that's over I'm fanalis akiko this is fanalis myuki we are here to eliminate you hehehe"said akiko giddily while myuki just nodded there way.

"how can they send little girls to kill us"what hashirama said accidentally insulted the two fanalis girls.

"brother do you not realize who they are and, what they are capable of have you not notice their names, sometimes i wonder how you're older than me"tobirama said to his naive brother.

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