N (Niall Horan)

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I walked off the plane ready to start my new life in London. I grabbed my bags and hailed a taxi. I told the driver to take me to my new apartment building.

I paid the driver and climbed out. I ran up to my room and lay on the floor. Tomorrow I'll go order furniture, I thought. "Let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun" my phone was ringing. "hey mom" I answered" hey honey did you find your apartment okay did you get all your luggage, the rest of your things should get there tomorrow or the next day"

" yes mom I found my apartment I just got here its really nice and very spacey I think that will change when I furnish it though" " okay Cephia I was just calling to make sure everything was good" gosh my moms so paranoid, I thought. " okay mom well everything is good love you bye." " love you bye."

I put my phone on the floor and sat down. I got up and went into the kitchen I looked through the cupboards and I found a note '. Hey go to Nandos I want to talk to you - N ps I'm the old owner of the flat' underneath the note was a address and a time 7:30. I looked at the clock it's 6:30 I have an hour I went and took a shower when I got out I decided to put on a flowery dress and cowgirl boots,I guess I'll go for a country look tonight.I grabbed my phone and my purse and ran downstairs, I hailed a taxi. Maybe tomorrow I'll go and get my uk license. The taxi started to slow down and stop in front of a restaurant, I paid him and got out. I walked throught the door and I told the host I was supposed to meet somebody here. She asked if I had the note. Of course I brought the note I had to have the address. I showed the note to her and she asked me to follow her.

Whatever table this N is at its not in the normal dining area. I wonder why N got a blocked off room did N need privacy or something. We stopped in front of a door the host told me not to scream. I wondered why when she opened the door and I got my first look at this mysterious N. He was wearing a hood. N stood up and pulled the seat out for me" thank you" I said to him . He pulled his hood down and I got the first look at him. OMC it's Niall Horan. I live in the old flat of Niall Horan, I'm having my first Nandoes meal with Niall Horan. Best day ever! After a small silence, Niall spoke first " so I'm guessing your a fan ?" I'm not just a fan I'm a directioner I couldn't tell him that I pretty much stalk him" I guess you could say that." I say kinda flirty. We ordered and we talked. " so you're from the US" Niall asked. " Yeah I'm from the boring state of Michigan" I said. " I think I remember meeting a very crazy fan there five years ago, during our Take me Home tour. She wore a morph suit that had iron ons of all of us boys." he said. That crazy fan was me, I hope he doesn't remember what else happened that night. " Yeah that's weird" I say shyly. " I remember going to the tour bus that night I took off my shirt and threw it on the ground, when I took my pants off I threw them in the hamper, I was about to take my boxers off when that fan jumped out of the hamper and was like' stop I'm not a perverted fan I don't want to see that please stop" He said imitating my old high pitched voice. I laughed " I think I even remember her name it was a unique one, I always remembered it because it was so unique Cephia( sufya) so beautiful." I smiled I always got that compliment. I smiles at him " that's so wierd why would a fan do that"Niall looked at me funny" no! No! Not stop you but hide in your hamper"I finished nervously." You know speaking of names may I ask what yours is?" He asked. I don't know what to say "oh Chloe", its the first thing I could think of I always liked that name."That's a lovely name" Niall said, not as lovely as Cephia, I thought.Our meals then came. I got whatever Niall got, all I knew was that it was chicken.I took a bite and I must have looked excited because Niall said" Oh I forgot you must have never had Nandos before have you?" I shook my head. The rest of the meal we just talked about the flat and all the stories of all the bumps and dents.

We both finished our meals.After a while of arguing he allowed me to pay for my own meal. I got my i.d and my credit card out and set them on the table. As I looked through my purse for my phone to see what time it was Niall picked up my i.d to look at my picture."you look really pretty you must have been 16 right?"he asked."Yeah I was 16 I looked so much younger than I do now, I've grown so much in 2 years."I said when I realized something really bad.His eyes moved to my name he had a confused look on his face. "Oh is this your real name Sophia, sounds a lot like Cephia"His eyes got real wide and I looked at my lap,I felt like I was going to cry."I'm so sorry I just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable that's why I said that." I whispered to him, I started to cry."It's okay"he said. He came over and put his arm around me he took my cards and put them in my purse he put three 10 dollar bills on the table and we walked out.On the way out he told the host to keep the change.He guided me to his car " don't worry Niall I can just get a taxi" I said. "No you said you don't have any furniture I'll just take you to my penthouse and you can sleep in my spare room." I couldn't resist"Ok thank you". The ride home was awkward, it was quiet until Niall said something" Just so you know I'm not mad at you because of what you did or because you lied.Im not mad at you." He looked over at me. We pulled up to a tall building.We walked inside and went to the elevator Niall put his key in and pressed the penthouse button. We finally got to the top. I walked in first,Wow it was huge.Just his living room was as big as my new flat."So do you want to watch a movie or something?"Niall asked."Sure, what do you have?"I asked back. He started running somewhere, I followed. He ran into a room, I went in there it was a mini theater."This way!"Niall said gesturing me towards some stairs.

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