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Hoseok was awakened in the early morning when the knock on the door became louder. He groaned, "Shit who dare to disturb me in this early morning?!" he then make his way towards the door and opened it. Oh it was his dad with a bright smile.

"Good morning, Hoseok."

"Why'd you come here?" Hoseok's eyes caught something behind his father. An orange-haired? Hoseok was getting suspicious as he thought that his dad had another woman or future wife or---

"I want to introduce someone to you." His dad interrupted his thoughts and revealed an orange-haired boy. He was somewhat cute and adorable.

Hoseok frowned at the unfamiliar boy in front of him. "Who is he?" He asked his dad.

"He is Park Jimin."


"And he is going to be your maid."

"What?!" Hoseok disagreed with his father decision. Why should he have a maid? He can cook by himself! He can clean his ho---

No. He always messing his house.

"Jimin can help you cleaning your house, Hoseok. So, please accept him to be your maid or else," Mr. Jung paused and looked over to Jimin then looked back to Hoseok, "I'm not hesitated to cut your allowance for a year."

Oh crap, if his dad cut his allowance, Hoseok will not get to enjoy with his friend again after this. So he had to accept that boy. He sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.

Mr. Jung turned to Jimin, "So, Jimin, I hope you will do a better job so that I can pay you. Good luck." He turned around and decided to leave but then he stopped, "Oh Hoseok! Go show him the room and help him with his bags!" With a smile on his face, he left the both of them.

Hoseok glanced down just to see three bags on the ground. So he will staying here? Shit. I hate my life. He reached the bags down and invited Jimin in, "Come in and closed the door."

Jimin did as he said. He ran after Hoseok and accidentally touched Hoseok's hand to grab his bag, "No! Just let me hold my own bag. Well I'm your maid, right?" he said innocently.

"Okay then," Hoseok replied and put the bags on the floor. "Your room was there." He pointed his finger to the room that was next to Hoseok's room. Jimin nodded and took his bags and went towards the room like Hoseok said.

Jimin sometimes felt hurt whenever Hoseok acted snobbish in front of him. But, Jimin didn't mind. Maybe he deserved to be treated like this. He is juat a maid anyway. After going inside his new room, he shocked at what he see. The room was completely a mess. Is he never tidy his room, seriously? He decided to tidy the room by himself.

Next, he was picking up the dirty clothes and put it into the basket. After putting all the dirty clothes in the basket, he washed them with a washing machine. He went to the living room and saw some magazines scattered on the coffee table. He sighed and started to pick up the magazines and put them on its place.

After felt like an hours cleaning the whole house, Jimin checked the clock on the wall. Oh it's almost to the dinner time. Jimin scared to touch anything in the kitchen without Hoseok's permission. So, he went upstairs to ask Hoseok first. He knocked on the door before Hoseok allowing him to open it. "Uhm, can I cook in the kitchen?" Jimin hesitated to ask. He got a respond when Hoseok nodding. "What do you want to eat?"

"Anything." Hoseok answered while his eyes focused on his Ipad.

"Okay!" With that, Jimin went down to the kitchen and started to cook. He took all the ingredients out first and started. Jimin was good in cooking. His late mother always taught him how to cook a delicious meal. Suddenly, he miss his late parents. But he accepted the fact that his parents had gone. He knew God loved his parents more. Jimin still has his aunt looking over him. But now, he got a job and getting paid each months. So, it is okay for him to be alone and independant himself even though Hoseok was a bit snobbish to him.

Hoseok making his way to the kitchen slowly, hearing Jimin sang 'hmm' while cooking. He likes to sing? Hoseok walked closer behind Jimin. Pfft even this close, he doesn't notice me? Jimin was so into his song and cooking until he didn't notice that Hoseok was standing behind him. Hoseok cleared his throat on purpose. And Jimin jumped in shocked when he notice Hoseok was way to close behind him. He turned around to face Hoseok. Their nose were barely touched. Jimin's face red out of the sudden.

"You don't even notice me, huh?" Hoseok asked, already noticed how red Jimin's face was.

"Um--Well--I'm coo--cooking right now." Jimin stuttered on his words and avoided the eye contact with Hoseok.

"Make it quick. I'm hungry." Hoseok took a sit at the dining table and waited for his dinner.

Jimin had done his cooking and preparing it on the dining table. After filling Hoseok's plate, he ready to fill his plate to eat. But then, Hoseok stopped him, "What are you doing?" he asked Jimin with a glare in his eyes.

"Eating." Jimin answered, Hoseok's deadly glares frightened him.

"Eat after me! Now, go! I don't want to eat with you!" Hoseok yelled.

Jimin felt a pang in his heart. He was okay if Hoseok a bit snobbish to him but being treated badly like this, it hurt so much. He slowly put the plate down and ran to his room. Once he was inside, he locked the door. He cried and cried. He didn't know why his life like this. Why he deserves this? 

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