T h r e e

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After eating, Hoseok went up to Jimin's room. As he stopped in front of the door, he heard a sobs. He heard Jimin was crying maybe because of how he treated Jimin earlier. He knocked on the door, "Jimin-ah! Open the door!" he shouted.

Jimin wiped his tears quickly with the back of his hand and slowly opened the door. "Ne?"

Hoseok stared at him. Yes, Jimin was crying just by looking his red eyes. "Are you crying?"

Jimin shook his head. "Have you done eating? I will wash the dishes." Jimin walked away from Hoseok but he being stopped by a grab around his wrist.

Hoseok gripped Jimin's wrist tightly, "Don't forget to eat. If you sick, my dad will kill me for sure." he let go of Jimin and went straight to his room.

Jimin was tearing while washing the dishes. He miss his parents so much who always giving him the loves he need. He ate after cleaning the dishes and went straight to his room to have a sleep. He had a bad treat on his first day working as a maid. What would it be on the second day?

Maybe even worse....


"Jimin-ah!!!" He awakaned at the voice yelling his name. Hoseok was banging his door, waking him up. Jimin hurriedly opened the door with his messy hair.

"I'm sorry," Jimin quickly apologized even though he don't know what he apologise for. "What happened?"

"You asked me what happened? Do you know what time it is now? Do you even know I'm starving for a breakfast? Why did you fucking waking up late?!" Hoseok was scolding him, and was automatically walking towards Jimin.

Jimin kept his head down and walked backwards until his back hit the wall. "I'm sorry, I was really sleepy last night." that was all he said. His voice was really soft that sometimes makes Hoseok's heart flutters.

"Make me breakfast now." Hoseok left him and waited Jimin to make his breakfast at the dining table.

After brushing his teeth, Jimin quickly made his way to the kitchen to make Hoseok a breakfast. After preparing the breakfast meal on the table, Hoseok started eating.

Jimin started to do his routine. Just before he want to leave the kitchen, Hoseok spoke up, "You don't eat?"

Jimin faced Hoseok and answered, "No, uhm maybe later."

"Eat with me." Hoseok, himself was unbelieved for what he had said just now. He told Jimin to eat with him? Seriously? He said he don't like Jimin to eat with him last night. But why now? Are you fucking serious, Hoseok?

Jimin still didn't believe. So, he tried to find an excuse, "I want to tidy the living room first."

"Don't disobey me. I'm your master, am I? Listen to me!" He said strictly.

Jimin didn't have any choice anymore. So, he had to eat the breakfast with Hoseok for the first time. He poured himself a tea and ate the bacon and egg he had made. Nothing happened and there was just a silence around them.

I thought today would be even worse than last night. Jimin thought. He is weird though. So weird.

The day was going well. Jimin and Hoseok didn't talk much. From the morning till evening, Jimin didn't stop working and cleaning the whole house even in Hoseok's room. Jimin found that he likes the scent in Hoseok's room. And even Hoseok's shirt. While Hoseok sitting on the living room, he was trying to wear Hoseok's shirt quietly. It fitted his body. Hoseok has a lot of nice shirt and jacket which Jimin doesn't have.

Little did Jimin knew, Hoseok was looking at him quietly at the outside of the room.

Later that night, Hoseok prepared himself with a nice appearances. He planned to go to the nightclub without Yoongi today. But, he set something in his mind.

"Jimin-ah!" He called the name out while fixing his hair in front of the mirror.

"Ne?" Jimin appeared between the door and the wall. Oh god he looked really.... Jimin speechless when looking at how handsome Hoseok was.

"Get ready now. Wear something good." Hoseok said while taking his things.

Something good? Jimin didn't know what to wear. So he just took out a plain black sleeveless shirt and ripped jeans. He looked himself on the mirror. He fixed his hair a little and jumped when Hoseok asked, "Ready?"

He turned around and smiled to Hoseok. His eyes caught something. He saw a leather jacket he admired a lot was hung onto Hoseok's forearm. Hoseok walked towards him and gently wore Jimin with the leather jacket. "I don't want you to catch a cold or you might get sick."

Why do I feel happy today?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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