Love and Hatred (Young Adult Interracial Story)

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I ran up to my room and locked door. I didn't know what to do. I just sat in the corner and cried. I knew she was high. Why did I even bother come home? Scratch that, why was I even born? I tried to be the little girl she wanted. I always try to please her. But nothing seems to be working. I just had to get out of this house. I will run away far far away from her. I might even move to a different state if I'm lucky.

A loud banging on the door interrupted thoughts. All of a sudden my door bust open. She looked like the Devil him self. She started to laugh.

"I got you right where I want.", she said as she grabbed something out of pocket. My face turned pale once I saw what it was. She had a knife in her. Was she really going to stab her own daughter?

I started to cry once she got real close to me.

"Please stop, I'll do anything! I'll-" She punched me in the middle of my sentence. My right cheek started burn. it felt like their was acid burning on my face.

"Oh I know you'll do anything you little slut!" She stabbed on my forearm with a smirk on her face. I screamed in pain but she covered up my mouth. You could see blood gushing out of my arm. She was twisting the knife all different ways. She took the knife out of my forearm and makes a slash on my right shoulder. Then she makes 5 more on my other shoulder. Thank God it wasn't deep or else I would be dead. She takes the knife out and stabs me near my waist. Alot of blood started to come out. Then everything blacked out.

Jasmine on the side

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