The next morning,I awake to a knock on my door. I swing the door wide open. "wassup? I heard Chain was back." Its Chain low down girlfriend. She real pale, skinny,clothes ragged, and hair don't look like it's been washed in days. She look bad. "Nah, go to Nick. " I said before I closed the door. "Whoa what are you doing!?" I hear Chain yell down the hall. "Man, come on. You was doing good. the least you need is this b---." Chain stops me. "What I tell you? Females not bitches. So don't say that shit. Just let me talk to her." Chain say opening the door. Chain is in shock to see Amy. "What happened to you?" Chain said. Chain grabbed her tight. "Ugh, can she just-" I cut chain off. "No-" I snapped. "Please, just got out of prison favor." Chain pulls me aside. "Iight just one night. Nothing better not come up missin' " I snap and slam the door going back in the apartment. Nike walks up the hall and grab me into the bedroom. "What?" I ask. "I want to fuck." Nike taking off her clothes. "Lets fuck bae." She tries to pull my clothes off while I'm laying under her on the bed. She pulls my boxers off and starts licking on my womanhood. I moan a bit. She lies her naked body on to mine. Bang bang bang. Someone is banging on my room door. "Damn, who is it?" I yelled. "Andrea who else? I got something. Why is the door locked?" She say. I sit there for a sec. "Damn bitch, do you ever give up?" Nike swings the door open while I'm trying to put on my clothes. "Again?" Andrea eyes water. I start walking over to her. She starts hitting me. I try to grab her hands. Nike stands there with a smirk on her face. Chain runs in the room and holds Andrea. "What the fuck is going on here!?" Chain snap. "Ask your lying ass girlfriend. I know y'all still fucking too. Like Damn is there anyone here not fucking someone else!?" Andrea snap. "Nope, including you. " Nike respond. I look at Nike confused. "What? She didn't tell you?" Nike laughed. "She use to work at the strip club with Tata
and kream. I paid her to fuck you. I didn't think the bitch was gone catch feelings. Diffently not you. She's a escort, not a house wife. Shit I fucked her. Me and Chain that's why when you and Chain fucked. I already knew what to do to get to you. And I paid to have your bail reduce. I wanted you to hurt as much as you made me hurt. I didn't think it was gone go this far. Oh yeah by the way I'm prego. With Black baby, that's why me and Darrel fell out cause I stole his man. Bye you guys." Nike smiled the whole time saying it. We hear a horn blow. "Thats my ride, well bye." She starts walking down the hall. Chain snap. She grabs Nike by the hair and throw her into a wall. Nike stumble to get up with a bloody face. I hold Chain back. "Chill out bro. Calm down." I yell. " Thats why I got your girlfriend started on the crack. I introduce her and Nick." Nike yell. "fuck you bitch!" Chain yell. I hear foot steps. "Nike!?" Black yells down the hall. Nike turns around and Black runs down the hall. "What the fuck happened to my shawty mane!?" Black yelled. "Fuck you and your shawty bitch!" Chain yelled. Black reach down in his pants for his gun. Pow....pow pow. I duck down. When I looked up I say Chain holding my gun. Nike laying on the floor and black stumbling down the steps. Chain starts walking slow. "Chain, you can't go back. Don't do it." I say standing up. Its kind of hard for me to stand. I feel a stingy, tight, pressure on my chest. Its hard to breath, it feels like I'm out of breath. I fall back to the ground at the top of the steps. I lie there on the ground whizzing. I see Chain walking to shoot Black. I try talking but word not coming out. Pow. Chain shoots Black in the head. We heard police.