Chapter 1: The Squad

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"Crystal." The man said.
"Give me the power gem or this planet will suffer!"

"NO! I will never let earth suffer even if you try!" Crystal cried.

She suddenly untied the rope she was tied with to a chair and kicked him hard. I will not say where.

Crystal ran onto the lift and pressed a great red button which put her on a green pad where she flew far and fast.
Heading towards the place that was her only hope. A certain school that contained a bunch of friends in a certain group. Or, shall I say squad?

Zack is a boy. A boy who is in school wih his friends. They have this thing called "The Squad," , and love to adventure (mainly in school).

We start this story set in English class, where their strict teacher is out of the room.
"I hate English!" Said Thea, who would much prefer to be eating pancakes right now than be in English class.
"Shut up" added William.
"We are gonna go to maths which is far most the worst thing I have ever experienced in my whole entire life so plz be quiet or the teacher will put us in detention and it will be all your fault!
"SHUT UP" everyone cried quietly.

English was over and everyone headed to maths where in J2, for Zack, was a NIGHTMARE!
"Are you gonna be at the squad table today? Everyone who is say Squad!"
Many people said squad in an ordally manner, but Ryan said, "Am I never there?"

"YES!" shouted William, which made the teacher very uncomfortable. Ir was very common for shouting put to occur from people like Eddie, Grace, Josh and many many more. I should go on, but to save time I will keep it short.

A long time later, and I really mean long; The Squad and friends were adventuring and playing around school, after school.
When the accident happened.
It was a peculiar scene where George pushed Teddy (his brother) and attempted to rescue Zack even though he ended up tripping and landing on his face.
Therefore Evan took the lead and decided the only way to save his friend was to pretend to do karate moves and sing Hello from Adele.

It never worked. Sadly.

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