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Hey guys it's Nicole no jk it's snuggle bunny so I was ordered by XxBunnie_PancakesxX to update so go follow her OK well peace

We were all so scared that we were going to lose our friend we were all screaming trying to get someone's attention but nobody was left in school we were the only ones left. "Jay please don't do this. All of us here cars about you please don't jump just back away from the window sill." I said trying  to talk him out of it. "You wouldn't understand Jo." Said jj. "But I do Jay I've been in your position I've wanted to do that but I didn't because I knew it was going to get better for me, and it did. Jay listen to me I promise that things will get better for u all you have to do is come down. Trust me if u jump nobody can save you please just come back down." Finally jj came down
Hey sorry that was a short chapter but it was intense and I was trying to hide my phone from the teacher so ya OK well peace

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