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"Hey guys it's Ryan what is up" no jk it's snuggle bunny well enjoy the next chapter peace

Everyone formed a circle around jj. Just then angel comes up, "GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!!" Yells Sky. We all for a wall around jj, we thought we could keep angel from getting in cuz he's so uncordinated but we didn't count on jj. He front flipped over all of us and lands it. Don't judge cuz I don't belive it either.
"Look jj I'm sorry I should have acted more happy to see you its just that well my girlfriend cheated on me with a girl so I'm sorry can you ever forgive me?" Asked angel. "You got lez cheated haha that halarious!" I said as Makila covered my mouth. We all stood there in silence when we see Sky run away. "Where the hell is she going?" Me and Kylie super speed after her but when I wasn't paying attention I ran into somebody. I looked up and it seemed like we were the only two ppl in the world, our eyes met. He was about to speak when Kylie pulled me away and we super speed to Sky. We got there and Kylie asked me "Who the hell was that?" I didn't respond I just stayed right where I was then I saw him again. He walked up to me and said "Hi," in the sweetest voice then Kylie ran away. "I'm Jonah." I almost fainted but I didn't. "Hi I'm Jordan." Then I said OK bye Felicia

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