1. The beginning

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On one hot summers day, a dark mysterious figure rose from the shadows. No one knew who it was or where it came from. A black hood disguised a spectral face, pale like snow. Dressed in black, a rebellious smirk showed his true identity. He was a mystery to everyone and anyone that got too close to him well, let's just say, don't anymore. He carefully walked down the hall, trying to not draw attention to himself, straight into a locker.

"Are you alright?" A young girl peeked her face around the corner. Obviously she was new there. Her luscious brown locks dropped down her slim shoulders. Her crystal, blue eyes shone like the river Nile. The dark figure stood there in awe taking in the beauty he was witnessing. People don't like being this close to him usually. He was what you'd call an outcast, not worthy of having friends. He has grown accustomed to this throughout his long lived life so it didn't surprise him no more.

A tiny squeak broke him out of his thoughts, "Are you alright?" She asked again.
"Erm... what, yes I'm alright," He spoke, unconsciously stuttering his words, "Who are you?"
"My name is Elizabeth Kate Smith. Now you know my name, it is only right you tell me yours!" Her eyes slowly lowered to the floor, not wanting to look at him as she replied.
"My name is Julian Jacob Hardy." He replied, chuckling a bit," You're new here, right?"
" Yes. How did you know?" She spoke articulately but a level of caution laced her tone. This made Julian awe even more about her. He didn't like making people feel scared but he did like that she didn't know what he was fully capable of... just yet. He continued with his conversation but soon realised that she wasn't vulnerable like the others. The fear didn't flash through her eyes when he spoke.
"Well im not the most favoured student here." She slowly lifted her head and her eyes met a glass cage thats wating to trap her any moment. She took a step back but still wore a mask of confidence as she knew he was no match for her.

"And why is that? There must be a reason why you have no friends," A smirk crept its way onto her face as her confidence grew. A deep chuckle rumbled through the air.

"There are many reasons why i don't have these so called friends. Look around. Every corridor around us is empty. Once someone so much as glances in my direction, they make a big deal about it and run off before I can introduce myself. Loads of people here are scared of me yet you're still here. Why is that exactly?" Julian's tone was filled with curiousness as Elizabeth's face only showed bewilderment. That quickly changed as she sanguinely took a step forward.
"Even if I was not new here, I would never treat someone with disrespect and cruelness. That is not how I was brought up!" She defensively argued," I am so sorry I reacted like that. I have been thought of stereotypically too many times so I guess I just thought of it as an insult. I hope you can accept my apologies for the way I have just acted!"
Her mood suddenly turned into a wounded butterfly trying to escape the life that had been brought upon her.

"My father was born into wealth, as was I, but my mother wasn't. She wanted me to live my life and not have to worry about table equities and my English," A tear rolled down her cheek as the thought of her mother brought her to be broken once again.

"What happened to her?" Julian closed the gap slightly and was friendly for the first time in nth years.

"She died when I was young. My house was attacked when I was just a young child. It brought heartbreak to all of my family and staff. Things were never the same after that." Tears streamed out of her eyes as she retold the story that brought her pain through her life.

Julian noticed her tears, her emotions. His heart ached for the pain she was feeling inside too.

"I look like her. My father refused to look at me and when he did, disgust filled his face. this was until one day he just snapped. Can we go somewhere else to talk about this please?" Her voice stopped trembling a bit as she regained her lost confidence. Julian just stood there and slightly nodded his head.

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