2. Memories

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Julian drove her up to a creek in the middle of the woods. "So what happened after he snapped?" They were climbing rocks as Julian brought up the question that itched his mind. Elizabeth took a deep breath as she revealed what happened all those years ago.

Elizabeth's POV
"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. Can we go to out today? There's a festival in the town tonight. Lots of people from my school will be there. Daddy why don't we leave the house anymore? Daddy?" I walked around to the front of his drawing room. A lifeless, breathing body sunk down in the chair repeating the same action. Lifting his bottle to his lips as taking a long drink. I looked around at what used to be an amazing room signifying how my family once was. Now, there was just empty bottles laid on the floor, some smashed and some still in one piece.

He gets angry a lot lately. But that's ok, its bad to have pent up anger. That's what my group leader says anyway. Daddy makes me see her every Thursday afternoon and she asks me questions about myself. He says it will help me with my future if I lie sometimes with certain answers.

"You want to go to the festival? Well Daddy's friends are coming soon so we don't have time. Go play in your room and don't come out unless i say so!" Now I was realising how cold and bitter his voice sounded. Not like the man I knew when my mother was alive. He was not caring. He was not kind. I looked up to him and nodded my head. I know bad things happen when his friends are here. He just wants me to be safe.

I carry my tiny legs up the steps to reach my room but I reach it too late. Three sharp knocks shook the door as two bulky men came inside. Two girls hanging on each of their arms. Their piercing stares travelled up the stairs as i hurried into my room.

"Hey, she's not in her room. You know we won't hurt her. I would like to meet the little secret that you've been hiding from us." I could hear a deep voice downstairs as he was talking to my father. Why was they talking about me? Why would they hurt me any way?

"I'll see to it that she stays in her room for the rest of the night." My father replied too quickly for my liking. Heavy footsteps filled the air as the staircase creaked. I knew what was coming. I ran to the door and twisted the lock. That won't help but it will buy some time for me to hide. But what happened wasn't what i was expecting. One of the men from downstairs was leant against my door frame looking straight at me. I thought I locked that door. My eyes flicker over to the door and notice it doesn't have a handle.

"Come downstairs for a while. We would like to meet you. Your father speaks very highly of you." He held his hand out for me to take and slowly i took it. We walked out to the top of the stairs. I looked down as much as i could and saw my father's gaze directed at me as his fists were clenched at his sides.
"I thought I told you to stay inside your room until I told you to come out." He was quickly interrupted by the man standing beside me, "John I asked her to come out for a while. Do you have a problem with that?"

My father stayed quiet for the rest of the evening but he never took his gaze off of me. It was until after they left that he finally spoke to me again.
"Who do you think you are? I told you not to come out of your room and you disobeyed me. You know you must be punished." His voice was getting louder as I tried to escape. But I was too late.

Present day- 3rd person
A small tear rolled down Elizabeth's cheek as she replayed the memory over and over again in her thoughts. It pained her to speak about her past but made her feel better in someway too .
"I was let out of my room more often but if I messed anything up or spoke to them about well you know then i wouldn't get fed for the rest of the week. I was locked inside of my room all day and he would shout at me for skipping school for no reason."
The concept suddenly dawned on Julian as his face filled with horror as he thought of all the trouble she went through.
"I am so sorry. I didn't know you went through all of that." He didn't really know how exactly he was supposed to reply.

They continued to sit at the creek in silence for a while. Neither knowing what to say to break it. The light from the sky slowly started to disappear over the trees as the wind began to pick up. Elizabeth looked up at Julian as her mouth opened to speak.
"It is getting late. I really should be heading home." Julian's head immediately shot up but spoke no words. He slowly nodded his head and started to lead her back to the car.

On the way to Elizabeth's house, Julian finally spoke, breaking the silence between the two of them. "Meet me at the coffee shop tomorrow just on the corner next to school. Straight after school?"
"Are you asking me out on a date?" Elizabeth spoke in a challenging tone. She looked out of the window throughout the whole car ride.
"N...No. I just want to get to know you better." Julian stuttered as he answered her question. By this time, Elizabeth was looking directly at him, inspecting all of his features. A tear fell out of her eye as she caught his attention.
"Oh my god. Im sorry i didnt want to upset you. Its just that we dont really know each other well and i know that thats the reason behind dating. But-" He was interrupted with laughter errupting all around him. His head snapped towards Elizabeth as she was curled into a ball on the seat. A massive smile appeared on her face as she finally calmed down.
"Julian. Relax I was messing with you. I only want to be your friend. After all, today is my first day of knowing you." He soon regained his posture after hearing that but his dignity will be forever damaged.
"Oh so that's how you wanna play it then." A smile slowly crept onto his face as the moonlight beamed down onto them. Elizabeth slowly opens the car door and gets out. "Thank you for today. I needed it." As she closes the door, Julian winds the window down, "Never thank me for listening to you." As soon as Elizabeth is inside, Julian speeds down the street into the night.

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