Everybody Loves Her (Everybody Hates Chris FanFic)

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{A/N: This is a spin off of Everybody Hates Chris. Chris is 16.Enjoy!}

Chris's p.o.v.

"CHRIS! TIME TO GET UP FOR SCHOOL!" I heard my mom yell from down the stairs.

"Ok! I'm up!" I shouted back. I got out of my comfy, comfy bed and went to use the bathroom. When I got there, there was a problem. My younger siblings, Drew and Tonya were already there, fighting over who got to go in the bathroom next. I tried to walk in while they were still yelling, but of course luck is never on my side.

"Chris! What do you think your doing?!" They scolded me at the exact same time. Even though they are two and three years younger than me, they act like they are older. Many people who don't know us tend to think that Drew is older than me, than the other way around. After they chewed me out, Tonya walked into the bathroom and Drew went to his room. I just sat there and waited. Eventually she came out and I got to go in there.

Finally finished, I went into the kitchen table and sat down. We all ate in silence, the only noise that could be heard was the clatter of our silverware. Once breakfast was finished, I excused myself and grabbed my book bag. "Bye Mom, Bye Dad." I said, while kissing her on the cheek and giving him a hug. I had to make sure I wasn't late for the bus.

I had to run in order to catch my bus, which already put me in a bad mood. I payed my fair to the driver and sat down.

Once I arrived at school, Greg walked up to me and chatting away as though he was told to shut up since the civil war. We walked into the building and up to our lockers. We our outcasts, and the best friends. Everyone else just calls up nerds or losers or dorks or weirdos. You know, the usual. I was expecting for somebody to start whispering about me in the halls, where I am the only black kid, yet another reason to be picked on, but heard nothing.

I heard a group if guys talking around the corner, so I decided to listen on their conversation.

"Did you hear about the new girl?"

"Yeah. I think they said she is a model."

"Whoever she is, the girls' fine."

"What did they say her name was?"

"Maddison, I think."

I just walked off. Great! Another person to pick on me! Note the extreme sarcasm. I just walked over to my locker, barely making if through the huge crowd that gathered around it. No, saying it was huge was an understatement. It seemed like the whole school was over here.

When I finally made it over to the lockers, I could see why everyone was there. In the locker right next to mine, was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She had long, waist length natural curly hair, and pretty brown eyes that sparkled in the light. Her skin was a soft, mocha color, so she was clearly African American like myself. Finally! I'm not the only one!

When I waked over to my locker, I could see that she was around my height, if not one or two inches shorter. I smiled. This girl looks perfect, but she must already have a boyfriend.

"Hi." I turned around after putting my books in my locker to find the girl looking at me.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked. I looked behind me, but no one was there, only the lockers.

"Yes."she said before giggling. She was so fine!

"So I was wondering if you could show me to my next class?" She smiled at me before handing me her schedule.

"Well, it seems as though we have every class together." I said, surprised that I get to spend all day with this beautiful person in front of me. Did the gods finally want to bless me?

She giggled again, and gave me the signal that she was ready to go.

When I got to my class, the teacher had her sit next to me. Be it because of race, or whatever, I loved it. Every time I glanced in he direction, she did the same, smiling back at me. I smiled back, then thought about how this must be a joke.

I was lucky, because all of my classes went the same way. She had a seat next to me in every class, always to the side. When she writes, her face gets so concentrated and she scrunches up her nose just a little bit. It was so attractive.

At lunch, she walked with me to get my food. Greg waved us over to the table, and I took a seat in front of Greg, with her sitting next to me. I could feel the warmth radiating off of her, the smell of bubblegum filling the air.

"Hi, I'm Maddison." she extended her hand out to Greg, and he looked shocked. I kicked him under the table, and eventually he reached his hand out and shook hers.

After school was over, she rode the same bus as me home.

"Where do you live?" I asked her, noticing that she hadn't made any mentioning of leaving.

"Just a bit farther." she assured me, and we kept walking. Her shoulder gently brushed against mine, and I shivered at the tingles flying through it.

"Here it is." she pointed to a building that was right next to mine.

"Bye." I told her, and she thought about something for a second, then gently kissed my cheek.

"Bye Chris." she giggled, then walked up the steps. After she unlocked the door, she waved at me, then gently shut it.

All while I walked up the stairs to my house, I was in shock. The fact that she kissed me.

I opened my door, and immediately my mom was on my case.

"Who is that girl, Chris? And why did she kiss you? Is she your girlfriend?" she put her hands on her hips, showing that she wasn't playing.

"She's a new girl at school. Her name is Maddison. I don't know why she kissed me, and no she is not my girlfriend. She just moved in next door." I answered every one of her questions. She thought this all through for a minute, then nodded her head.

"Ok Chris. But your having her and her parents over to dinner Friday." she noted. I opened my mouth to protest, but she gave me the 'look', indicating that the conversation was over.

I sighed, then went up to my room. As soon as she meets my family, she'll never want to have anything to do with me ever again.


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