Chapter 2

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Maddison's p.o.v

I gently closed the door behind me as I fell to the ground, my knees no longer able to hold me up anymore. I don't how Chris got into my head so quick, But boy was he in there.

My eyes closed as I replayed the memory of just a few moments ago in my head. We were walking, and it was so cool finding out I live next door to him. And one thing led to another and I felt like I wanted to kiss him, But I didn't want to be like a hoe or anything by kissing him on the lips, so I settled for the cheeks. And even then he still has me worked up over it almost 10 minutes later.

It's not like it would matter how long I spent in this spot. It's just me and my dad, and he's always to busy with his work to notice me. So Im alone so much, I kinda got use to it. 

"I'M home!!" I called out to the empty apartment, then went in the fridge looking for something to eat. And I heard the scraping of claws before I could fully get the pizza box out.

"James!!!" I cried happily as my little golden Pomeranian came rushing into the kitchen, barking at me which meant he was happy to see me too.

I picked him up into my arms and he pushed his cold nose into my hand, begging me to rub him. I did it, and you could practically feel the happiness radiating off of him.

I put him in one arm, then washed the other so I could warm up the best food ever, otherwise known as pizza. While it was in the microwave, I put my book bag in my room and then checked my phone, seeing that I had a text message.

'Can we talk? xoxo - Parker'

I groaned as I looked at it, But pressed the call button anyway.

"What's up?" I asked casually.

"Nothing much, just missing you Maddy. " he said, and I mentally face-palmed at this.

Parker is my ex- boyfriend, and ever since I broke up with him, he hasn't given me any space. He says he just wants to be 'friends', But come on now, even I can catch the flirtation in his voice when he talks to me.

"Parker, why do you keep doing this? " I asked, and I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Because Maddison." He started, and I knew it was serious because he said my full name. "Im in love with you. I cant get you out of my head. I think about you all the time. And I know we're perfect for each other." He was whining, and it started irritating me, so I snapped.

"I bet you weren't thinking about me when you were off screwing that girl in your car." I hissed, making sure the venom in my voice could be heard even through the phone.

"It was a mistake!  And I was only doing it because you wouldn't give me any. What was I supposed to do?"

"How about stay loyal Parker? You dont screw a girl in your car while you were waiting for me. You could've handled your problem like most men do. You dont become a man-whore. Now I already forgave you, but I'm not going back down that road with you. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get ready for work." I hung up on him, finally able to breathe now that the conversation was over. I felt the tears threatening to spill, but with one bite of pizza all was forgotten and soon I was on my way to the studio..


"Just one more pose." My photographer Jacob yelled at me. I made the cutest face I could, and with the final flash of light I was done with the modeling gig. I ran over to Gigi, my agent, and gave her a hug.

"Thank you so much!" I cried out happily as I twirled in the silk skater dress I was in. It had soft pink flowers on it, and with the golden wedges and the rich hair and makeup, I looked amazing.

"No problem. You know there will always be jobs for you. You're gorgeous!" She told me, and Jacob came over and twirled me around.

"Yes she is. Just the cutest thing." He said, and between the two of them, I was blushing up a storm.

"Thanks guys. I should be going now." I told them, giving each of them a hug.
"See you soon darling. And the clothes will be brought over to your apartment later. What about the outfit you have on now?" Jacob smirked, as if already knowing the answer.

"Thanks. And actually,  I think I'll wear this one out. I have someone I'm hoping to impress." I giggled, and with a wave of my hand, I was out the door,  praying my make-up and hair will last long enough for me to get home and make sure Chris sees me while I'm pretty...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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