Chapter seven: the investigation

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"Clearly, somebody here knows what happened," said Harry, walking fast.
"But nothing happened Harry! You're imagining things," Ron said, as he struggled to keep up.
"Let's ask around. Who's the kind of person who would know this stuff?"
"What stuff? All we're gonna do is get into trouble. Again!" Ron protested.

Harry continued, despite his friend's insisting, until they were to tired to carry on.
"Where are we even going? We're in the middle of nowhere!" Said Ron. Harry would never have admitted it, but he was right. They were surrounded by hills, two hours of walking and they still hadn't left the town. It was like every time they got further from it, they were getting further.

The only house in sight was a strange gray house on top of a hill. It resembled  a rook in chess, tall and thin, like a tower.
"What's that?" Asked Harry, "Who lives there?"
"No one," said Ron, "It's been abandoned for years, can we go back now?"
Harry ignored Ron and began to head towards the house, curious. Once they got close, Harry realised it was a lot smaller than it seemed, still the size of a house, but small. Almost like a copy of the original.

Pushing open the gate that led up to the house, Harry walked through the garden. There were lots of different exotic plants, some of which Harry didn't even know the names of. The door, to Harry's surprise, had been left unlocked, and was easy to open.
"It's empty," said Ron as they entered. Ron was right. It was as if someone had moved out, and taken everything with them. Or even like people had started to build a house but given up when they got to interior design. There was a second floor, indicated by a hole in the ceiling, but no stairs. The floor was stone and the house smelt of paint.
"Let's go," said Ron, "There's obviously no one here."
"Wait," said Harry, "What about the second floor?" Ron rolled his eyes.
"How do you expect to get up there?" He asked irritably.
"The ceiling isn't that high," said Harry, "We can easily reach it."

And so Ron followed Harry onto the second floor.
It was dark, as if someone had turned the lights off, and considerably warmer, as there were no windows.
"Hello?" Asked Harry.
"Is there a light switch?" Ron asked, "T-there's something on my leg and I think it's a...a...a..." Harry frowned confusedly at Ron but left him to deal with his fear of spiders as he hunted for a light switch.

"What are you doing here?" Came a voice.
Suddenly, many things happened at once. Someone turned the lights on, Ron's arm swung out and Harry heard a panicked shout. The cat that had been rubbing against Ron's leg hissed and jumped at Harry while Ron shouted something incomprehensible.

When Harry finally got the cat off of his face, he stood up dizzily. Ron was crouching by the hole in the ground that led to the ground floor and Harry was standing on the other side of the room.
Now that he could actually see the room, he realised that it was much more furnished than the bottom floor. There was a bed and a suitcase, a wardrobe and chest of drawers. There was a desk with traces of oil paint stains and beside it was a pile of portraits, the top one ripped.
"Harry!" Said Ron, sounding panicked, "I promise,  I didn't mean to...oh my god Harry what do I do?"
"What happened?" Asked Harry, walking over.
Under the hole, on the ground floor, a blonde girl lay motionless, her leg twisted at an odd angle.
"She didn't fall that far...she can't be that injured," said Harry, trying to hide the panic. He knew this girl. He'd seen her before. And she knew something.

Sorry if the characters are OOC okay I'm sorry ~Author

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