Chapter 30 *Black eyes*

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The next day

Caroline wake up and klaus was still sleeping

She get up and took a shower than get dressed than left the room

She get down stairs and she was Katherine In the kitchen

"Hey blondie"katherine said

"Hey"caroline said walking to the front door

"So Cami tried to kill you?"Katherine asked than Caroline stoped walking and turn around to look at katherine

"Yes , she did"Caroline said than turn around and left the house

With Cami
She now back to her old house
She put her bags on the bed than sit next to it , and start crying , she really was sad , her only friend tricked her , and now everyone at the mikaelson hate her
She kept crying

Than she heared someone knocking on the door

"Coming"Cami said than wash hee face and went to the fronr door and opened it

And it was Caroline

"Hey Cami"Caroline said

"What do you want now?"Cami said

"Arent you gonna invite me in"Caroline said

"No I dont trust you anymore"Cami said

"Oh I am sorry , did you forget , you invited me in before so.."Caroline said than enter cami's house

Than Cami took a step back
Than Caroline closed the door behind her

"why are you doing this , I though we are friends?"Cami asked than Caroline steped closer to Cami

"If we were friends , you wouldnt have a crush on Klaus"Caroline said

"Crush on klaus , are you crazy , of course not"Cami said

"Dont lie Cami , I can Compelle you right now"Caroline said grabing Cami from her Neck

"Stop it Caroline , I dont like Klaus this way"Cami said

"No no honey you do , now I am gonna hide you like I hide the other one"Caroline said than Cami Grabed Class and smash it into Caroline's Head

Caroline left Cami's neck , and put her hand on her face and turn around

Than Cami broke the chair that was behind her and took the leg

Than Caroline screamed

Than Turn around to cami

"Cami oh my god , there is something wrong with me"Caroline said

"I dont believe you anymore"Cami said

"Listen listen , the magic Stake that the Wit h drive into my heart , did something wrong to me"Caroline said

"I dont believe you"Cami said

"I am running out of time Cami , please tell klaus I Cant..."Caroline said than Closed her eyes and opened it

And Caroline eyes were black so black

"What the hell"Cami said than Caroline's eyes turn to normal

"So She told you"Caroline said

"Who are you?"Cami said

"My name is Aurora , and now since you know everthing"Caroline said

"I should Kill you , or I have other plan"Caroline said than Cami drive the wooden stake into Caroline's stomach
Than Caroline who not Caroline anymore fall into the ground in pain

Cami Run , she went to her Car and drive to the mikaelson's house

She finally arrived there
She knocked on the door

"Open open the door"Cami yelled than Katherine opened the door

"Cami do you have a death wish"Katherine said

"Where's klaus?"Cami said

"You came to see the devil himself , cami please leave , if he saw you he will kill you"Katherine said

"Katherine please its something important"Cami said

"Klaus!!! , someone want to see you"Katherine yelled than Klaus Came from the living room

"Cami"klaus said than katherine Left them alone

"Klaus please its Important"Cami said

"You not welcome in her cami , so leave"Klaus said than about to close the door into her face

"Please give me just 5 mins"She said

"What do you want Cami?"he said

"Caroline is not herself anyone , she was in my house now and ahe tried to kill than , she not Caroline klaus"Cami said

"What the hell are you talking about"klaus said

"Just listen please , she was going to kill me than I hit her
Than she change , than she told me to tell you that something is wrong with her , the magic stake did something to her than she said she cant hold it , than her eyes turn to black than turn to normal"Cami said

"Are you crazy Cami"klaus said

"She not Caroline , she told me her name , her name is..."Cami said about to say the name

Than carolinr who not Caroline anymore came from behind her

"Cami , are you here to kill me again"Caroline said

"She coming here to say that you not you anymore"klaus said

"Why are doing this cami , I though we were friends"Caroline said

"Leave cami"Klaus said than Caroline enter the house and klaus was about to close the door

"Aurora"Cami said
than Klaus looked at cami

"What did you say?"klaus said

"Aurora her name is aurora"Cami said

"Where did you hear that name ?"klaus said

"She told me , that not Caroline , that a girl named aurora"Cami said

"leave now"Klaus said than closed the door , than turn around and saw caroline talking to katherine

Than she came to him

"What did she said to you?"Caroline asked

"Nothing I closed the door"Klaus said

"Ok"Caroline said

Klaus kept thinking Aurora , he havent heared that name from a very long time

Next Chapter *Aurora*

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