XV. Divulge

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divulge (verb):  make known (private or sensitive information)

Short little surprise because I really love you guys! Xx
(That rhymed, whoa.)

Noelle's POV

"Dad?" I gawk.

Having not expected to see him today, my mouth hangs open unattractively until he serves a smile, widening the door for us to enter. "Noelle, I haven't seen you in a while. Come in, come in," he ushers, Harry walking in behind me. "I see you've brought company?"

"Um – yeah," I shake my head, rubbing my forehead and then pointing to my so-called company. "Dad, this is Harry, my-uh, my Harry.  Harry, this is my dad: Randy." Being the polite gentleman he is, Harry dives in for a handshake, my father nodding his head.

"What're you-uh, what're you doing here?" My voice is somewhat shaky as I ask. The last thing I expected was to introduce Harry to both my parents simultaneously, but I guess it's beneficial in the long run.

My father chuckles, closing the screen door before the front door shuts. He starts walking down the hall, turning into the living room that smells so familiar I almost breathe out a sigh of relief. "I was just stopping by," my dad says, "but I'm glad I came around when you decided to stop by. Why're you here? Not to say you can't be; I'm just curious."

My arms cross over my chest, shifting into a tighter knot to somehow hold myself together. It's overwhelming, to say the least, to be faced with so much news in one day. I didn't think the afternoon could be nearly as eventful as the morning, but once again, I'm proven wrong. So many faint and distant memories cloud my mind, making me feel a certain un-comfortableness.

"To see mom," I answer, taking a seat. In that moment, I look to Harry who looks calmly collected and very respectable. I don't see any signs of nervousness or apprehension for him being here, which cloaks me in a sudden wave of comfort that I didn't have before.

My father's knees click as he sits down on the leather loveseat, a sigh leaving his lips. Not knowing what else to do, I reach for Harry's wrist and pull him toward the couch with me. The plushy material presses under our bodies and somehow I can't help but roll my eyes at the new and more expensive furniture my mother has bought since I left for college.

"Your mother tells me you dropped out of school," Dad raises a brow. "She wasn't very fond of hearing that."

"It wasn't her call," I retort lightly, squeezing my toes. "So you guys are talking again?"

"I'm glad you're making your own decisions, and yes. Well, briefly. You know how she is." His tone irks me; it's because of him, too that she decided to force herself into constant shifts and never be home with me. "I can only talk so much to her before she's at it again."

My lips purse and even though I am not exactly on my mother's side right now, I feel offended for her that he gets to sit here and speak behind her back in her own home. "How's your wife ?" My voice comes out slightly annoyed, thick with spite.

Harry coughs beside me, reaching for my hand on the cushion and squeezing my palm.

My father only stares, leaning back on the loveseat with eyes rather knowing of what I'm up to. "If you must know, not so well. Things have been rocky between us since Coven started getting himself in trouble."

"Sorry to hear that," even though my tone contradicts it. I'm not sorry for him.

He shrugs, removing his eyes from me to glance at Harry. "You work as a cop, boy?"

"Yes, sir. Practically born and raised." Harry nods, keeping a high chin and a strong but not obnoxious tone to his voice. I stare at his lips as he speaks, admiring the sharpness of his jawline that could cut steal. "Chief Commander as of last year."

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