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When things finally calm down, Ed blushes, staring down at his automail foot, moving it back and forth. "I want to introduce you to my mother," Ed mutters quietly. I look up at him.

"Oh, Edward," I smile softly, turning and hugging him tightly, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. Ed returns the gesture with his remaining left arm.

"Can we . . . leave now?" Ed mumbles, I nod, waving goodbye to Al as Ed gives him a pat on his armored shoulder. Den follows us.

The walk to the graveyard is quiet, but I can tell Ed's nervous by how tightly he's gripping my hand. Den's carrying the flowers.

We wave to some other neighbors and say hello. One of them pats Ed on the head. We say goodbye and continue our walk, Ed gripping my hand even tighter.

When we arrive at the graveyard, I can't help but to look around the quiet place. I stop when I'm standing right in front of the grave we came to look at.

Trisha Elric, 1878-1904

Edward kneels down, brushing the letters with such care and such a sad expression on his face that I'm sure he's going to break down crying at any minute. Instead, he sets the flowers on her grave and smiles softly at her tombstone. "Mom, I . . . I would like you to meet Elisa Mustang, my girlfriend," he starts quietly, glancing at me for a split second before directing his attention back to the tombstone.

"She's . . . she's the person I came to value as much as I value you and Alphonse. When I met her, she brightened up my world. She made me think that a failure like I am still has something to live for. She made me still want to continue living even after everything I've done The only purpose that made me press on living was because I want to get Al's body back. But, but now I have another reason to continue living, to live for those two things. To live for her. I . . . I love her. And I'm sure that you would've loved her too, Mom," Ed's voice cracks the slightest in the end. I can't help but to tear up by what he told his mother. This boy really treasures everything he holds dear, even if he won't show it.

"Edward," I say quietly, making him turn towards me. I kneel beside him and kiss him softly on the cheek, making his cheeks turn a rosy color. "Could I have a talk with your mother? Alone?" I ask, staring at him with soft eyes. He merely nods and stands up before walking away. I can still see him in the corner of my eye.

Taking a deep breath, I turn towards the grave, sitting properly for some odd reason, "Mrs. Elric, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Elisa Mustang. I'm, as far as you can tell, Edward's girlfriend. Your son, he truly is a wonder. He would sacrifice everything to keep those near him happy. He would go through Hell to save his brother. He would do anything for the ones he loves. You truly, truly raised a wonderful son, Mrs. Elric. I'm so honored to have met him, and I feel so happy to have met you. I just wanted to thank you for bringing such a wonderful person to this world. I'm sure you will always hold that special place in his heart that I can never have, but that just proves how much he loves you. I'm sure you were a great person and a wonderful mother. Thank you. Thank you so much for letting me meet such a wonderful person, Mrs. Elric. I love him so much. And I will try my best to make him happy in your place. No, I promise I will make your son happy for you."

As soon as I finish, I suck in a breath and sigh in relief. I was so tense all this time, but I feel so happy to meet her. Even though I would've loved to meet her in person, speaking to her like this surely makes up for it.

Then I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a face snuggle into the side of my neck, tickling me as the person breathes in and out. "Sorry, I heard everything," Edward chuckles, wryly, pressing a kiss into my neck. I squirm at the weird feeling, giggling. I turn around to cup his cheeks.

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