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~Aphmau's POV~
I woke up in a dark room. I look down to see that I'm only in my underwear. I look to my right and see Laurance sitting their chained up just like me. "Ah... I see my little Saint has woken up." Says someone coming out of the shadows. I see that he had blonde hair and blue eyes. It was Garroth. "What are you doing Garroth, let me out of here."I scream struggling to get out of the chains. He smacks Laurance and he wakes up instantly. "Huh... Where am I, wait Aphmau...what's going on." Laurance says also struggling to get out of the chains. "Laurance...Laurance, would you like to tell me what you two were doing when Aph woke up from the coma." Garroth says kicking Laurance In the gut making him spit up blood. "You betrayed me and went back on our you get to see me take Aphmau away from you just like you did to me." He says punching and kicking Laurance continuously. "I swear if you lay one hand on her you are going to regret being born." Laurance says trying to escape from the chains once again. "Oh... Did I forget to say one thing, I took you ability to transform into a shadow knight away, so do even try." Garroth says kicking him one final time in the stomach. Laurance was now full of cuts and bruises. "STOP THIS GARROTH NOW." I shout trying to transform into my Angelic Form. "Nice try Lady Aphmau, or should I call you Irene, I also took away your ability." He says walking up to me. He starts kissing my neck and putting his hands all over me. I scream and cry but no one can hear.

15 minutes later

~Laurance's POV~
Garroth was raping Aphmau right in front of me and I layed helplessly watching. I kept trying to break the chains but it only made my wrists sour. I could feel
the hatred burning in my skull. My hands started to bleed. My eyes started to burn like they were being splashed with hot salt water. I could feel my eyes turning red. My body being covered with the powerful shadow armor. My hands now completely covered in blood broke the chains as I stood up. My long red shadow sword appeared in my hands. As I grew closer to Garroth I could feel my body moving but I couldn't control it. It was like my body was the roller coaster and I was the passenger. My hands quickly rose up and stabbed Garroth straight through his chest. I kicked his body into the black abis of a room. I grew control of my body once again and could feel the armor leaving me. I fell to my knees as my eyes turned back to baby blue. "Aphmau, are you alright...I'm so sorry i wasn't able to brake free sooner." I say untying her hands and feet from the restraints. She was now almost completely naked except for her underwear. I quickly took off my shirt and gave it to her. She put it on and hugged me tightly. "Thank you" she says as she falls down to her knees and passes out. "Aphmau... Aphmau wake up, no no no no no come on please wake up." I say shaking her. I huddled over her still trying to wake her up until I see someone coming out of the darkness in the corner of my eye.

Love is its own Sacrifice (Laurmau)~CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now