But I want to see you again

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Her mom opened the door. 

Mrs, Moore please don't slam the door. I am truly soory for what I did to your daughter and I want to say I'm sorry to her in person not over the phone. Because what I did was very wrong and I regret everything. Emily is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  

Niall, she has been crying eveyday the past few weeks. She comes down from her room only 3 times a day to get food. She just cries all day. Niall she misses you.  

Or is it her dad? 

No its you. Her dad got better and is home now. He has been home for 2 weeks now. He came back the day after you 2 broke up. 

Mrs. Moore can I talk to emily? 

Of course naill. Her bedroom is up the stairs, last door to the right. 

Thank you. I said as I walked up the stairs. 

I knocked on the door to her room and heard her talk.  

Go away. She said. 

I'm sorry. I said.  


Yeah it niall.  

Niall, leave me alone I told you I never want to see you again. 

I know but I want to see you again. Emily I cant lose you. You are my eveything. I'm sorry I didn't beleive you, I should have. But if you give me one last and final chance I will always believe you! I promise! please emily.  

The door opened a tiny bit. Just enough for her to peak out.  

Niall I watched the video. It does look like I'm dating the guy. So I guess I over reacted a little. Well... A lot. She said with a little smirk. 

I'm sorry too. Emily said opening he door more.  

Come in, we need to talk.she said. 

I walked in and the room was a mess. All the lights were off and he curtains were closed. There were tissues all over and clothes all over. 

Sorry its a mess. I've been a mess these last 2 weeks. I'm usually a lot cleaner than this. 

Its fine. You should see how bad my room is. I feel really bad for the maid!  

Haha, niall I need to ask you something.  

Ok, anyhing.  

Do you believe me now.  

Yes, I havent even seen that guy ever. Yet I still believe you.  

Niall you don't want to see him right now. If he saw you right now he would rip your head off.  

Oh. I said.  

yeah he's in his room right now. You are very lucky my mom got home because if not he kind of knows I wouldn't get the door so he would have gotten it. 

Oh.I said. Yeah... Emily, I love you. Please take me back. Like I already said you are the best thing I have ever had. Just give me one more chance I wont waste it. I said. 


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