A surprise double date

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Heellloooo!!!! Louis screamed throughout our room.

Hi, louis.

Hy lovebugs! I need to talk with niall. Eleanor, you go have some girl time with emily. Us guys need to talk.

About what? I asked.

Umm... Guy stuff! Louis looked puzzled at first but when he said "guy stuff" he pushed up his sleeve and showed his mucles. That boy loved showing off his muscles. Then they left the room.

Ok, sooo eleanor. What do you think they're talking about . I blurted out right after the door slammed shut.

I absolutly have no idea.

*** Niall's pov***

So niall, wanna go on a date? Louis asked.

Lou no, just no.

Yeah, you're right we have girlfriends. They would get pretty mad.

Oh ok, cause thats the probolem in yoir idea. Niall said .

Anyway. Thats not what I meant. What I meant was, do you want to go on a double date with eleanor and emily. We rent out a nice resteraunt and have it be really special and it could be a surprise!

Oh yeah lou, i'd loved to! They would love that. Ok, how about friday night.

We'll be in italy on friday. So it will be easy to find a nice resteraunt we can rent out.

Ok, you pick the resturaunt. I'll plan the rest.


What, why?

Well after we go to the resturaunt we can somewhere special but after that we need to split!

And why?

Well you can't tell anyone, ok?


I'm going to...

~Authors note!~

ooohh!!! cliffhanger! do you have any ideas on what it is? comment on what you think it might be. :) ~Ainsley

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