A beach.
A beach is what I saw when I awoke where I was. A beach filled with smooth rocks near the shoreline. Yet, I didn't know what was going to happen next.
I saw a man
The man was dressed in a hat like some television wizards. He also had a long, silk robe that went down to where his feet touched the smooth Boulder as the waves crashed up against it.
Yet something wasn't right.
My gut feeling was to ask the man where I was and how I got here, but the man looked suspicious, and I decided it would be better off to walk away.
I got up carefully, trying not to make too much noise.
Albus was in shock. Who was this man and how did he know his name?
"Find the stones Albus" spoke the man with a raspy voice.
Albus drew his wand and pointed it at the man."Where am I, who are you, and how do you know my name?"
The man was about twelve feet from Albus, and the man didn't turn around. He just stood there.
"You know who I am Albus." Spoke the man. "Now go, you need to get back to your family."
Albus was confused. "What?"
Everything went into a spiral and Albus saw a blinding bright light.