To the person I can't call my Friend, I'm sorry

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We were seating on a bench enjoying our cones since Victoria's secret didn't allow us to bring food inside. Tsubaki who was next to me was busy snacking away on his cone. The color of the ice cream he was eating was green which surprised me. "Tsubaki? Can you tell me what flavor that is and why it's green?" I asked. He stopped eating and began explaining, "This flavor is called mint chip. It tastes like mint and has chocolate chips too; hence, the name mint chip. It's green because of the food coloring they add. Organic mint chip is white."

I finally got an idea of what he was consuming but the taste wasn't as detailed. I wanted to taste it so badly that I hatched a plan to obtain some.


Himari was back to her usual self and was enthusiastically eating her ice cream. However, she did ask alot about my flavor? Had she actually wanted mint chip? "Himari if you don't like this flavor. I'll buy you another one. It was m-"

The sweet taste of dulce de leche was introduced to the cold regions of my mouth. It highly contrasted with mint chip. "Himari why did you do that?" I yelled with a light blush present on face. She retracted the cone from my lips. Didn't she notice that this was technically an indirect kiss? "I want to know how mint chip tastes like" she said and brought my cone to her lips. "This way it's fair as you already tasted my cone" she explained. The girl was flushed  with a dark crimson covering her face.

"I could have bought you another one Himari" I scolded her. "But I didn't want another one, I just wanted a taste. If you had bought me another cone, I would have to wait longer to get inside Victoria's secret." That statement did make sense.

After 10 minutes of eating, licking, and munching we were finally done. Surprisingly, it was still only 5:40.


I can't believe that I had taken that choice. "Tsubaki, are you coming inside with me?" I asked. He gave shook his head, "If I went inside with you. I would either be labeled as gay or as your boyfriend and I'm suppose to keep a professional relationship with you." His words stung alot,"Never mind that, come with me. I need a boy's opinion on the clothes that I'll be picking out."
He sighed and walked right beside me.


The store was covered in pink and smelled like cotton candy. It didn't actually matter. For once in my life, Himari didn't care if we looked like a couple. It gave me hope for our friendship. "Tsubaki what's taking you so long. Follow me" she said. Her  hair was messy from the behind so I did as any good friend would do and began brushing it with a brush I found in the accessories section. I would be buying the brush anyway; it suited her alot actually. Many women were watching at the act between friends with intense glares.

"That guy is way to handsome for her."

"He should leave that plain looking girl and brush my hair."

"Why do the ugly ones always get the good guys?"

Anger towards these women was bottling up in my mind. I wouldn't let anyone speak ill of Himari. We were friends and as friends it was my duty to protect her. "Tsubaki do you like this dress" she asked pointing to a navy floral dress. I imagined her with it on and blushed. Why was I thinking of her like this? There's no way that I had fallen for her. If all I wanted from her was friendship. "It's very nice! Try it on." I could hardly hold my anticipation. "Alright Tsubaki but answer truthfully to me. If it looks bad let me know so I don't end up buy it."

I was currently seating outside the waiting room with a grey hoodie and black sweat pants. In that room, she was changing into the navy dress from before. I couldn't wait to see her in it. "Tsubaki I'm coming out so give me your honest opinion" she replied from inside the room.
In an instant she came outside wearing the dress. The navy color gave her a very distinct sexy appeal as the dress hugged her curves well. Himari spun and my blush from before came back. "What do you think Tsubaki?"

"Tell her that she looks disgusting and leave her."

"The dress looks horrible on her. Her skin is too pale to pull that look out."

There were whispering loud enough that Himari could hear and I nearly went ballistic when a tear escaped from her eye. "They're right. It does look bad on me but I want to hear your answer Tsubaki. What you say is more important" she said with watery eyes.

I couldn't see take it anymore. Tears didn't belong on her pretty face. "I think you look beautiful. Matter of fact, more than beautiful" I responded and placed a kiss on her forehead.

I was so lost in the moment that I was expecting her to blush and kiss me back but what came out of her mouth hurt more than a bullet through the heart,"What was that Tsubaki? Why did you kiss me? You're just a tutor. A tutor shouldn't fall in love with his student. Your only job is to teach me and that's it."

I wanted to apologize to her and tell her that it was just an act to get the girls to stop talking but I couldn't betray my feelings. "I want us to be friends Himari Chan! It pains me when you call me just an acquaintance! Whenever I'm with you I feel at ease and it's been so long since I had this feeling"

"What you have is love for me and I'm not interested in someone like you. Why can't you get it through your head that all we're ever going to be is teacher and student."

"She's crazy! He literally poured his entire heart out on that witch and that's how she repays him."

"Come here darling. I'll make you forget all about that nasty woman."

I went and messed up again. I had only known the girl for a fee days and I had already confessed to her. Masamune had been correct about her? She was special as I would have never confess to a regular girl. I cleared my throat,"Is this how you really feel?" I wanted to be sure before I cut all my bonds with her.

"Yes, this is my answer to your feelings" she flatly stated. "This was it then. This is as far as I could go. I never did figure out what made me have these feelings for her? I faked a smile," I just needed to know your answer that's all. Deep down I think I already knew the answer."

I reached for my wallet and pulled out 40,000 yen. "I hope this is enough to get all that you want" I said and began walking to the exit.

"He even gave her money after everything she said."

"Now that's good man. Why can't my boyfriend be like that?"

I tried to convince myself that it was just a simple crush but I couldn't. I honestly felt something for the girl.  It right there when I stopped walking to stare at a blonde girl who resembled my past love walking by.

It can't be? What was she doing here?

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