Maybe It's Fate

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Her lungs were burning and mud splattered the bottom of her wedding dress. Strands of ebony were coming loose from her previously styled hair, she looked back over see shoulder to see him, the love of her life, not three paces behind. A giggle escaped her lips as she continued to rush forward, even though he could easily catch up, he stayed just out of reach.

It had been this way since they were young. Even back then, anyone who looked could swear they were in love. When they would get tired they would climb the large willow tree with low hanging branches and watch the clouds, talking endlessly about everything and nothing.

Finally reaching the tree, she slowed down. Both out of breath they simply looked into each other's eyes and smiled. "I won again." The girl declared.

The boy grabbed her hands pulling her closer. "As always." He said and gently connected their lips in a loving kiss.

"Tree?" he asked, continuing the tradition. She nodded and followed him up the well worn branches. They were almost at the top when the girl miscalculated one of her steps and her foot slipped from the branch.

It was slow motion. The boy reached out but his fingertips just grazed hers, she hit one branch, and another, and another, until she was finally in free fall towards the ground. The air was knocked out of her and she gasped for breath, but her ribs were broken. Her husband was down within seconds and he held her hand in his. "My love.." he began and a tear trickled down his cheek. "Take this, and I shall see you in another life." He pulled a small vial from his pocket and tipped half it's contents into her open mouth before the last light drained from her bright eyes and they were left dull. He pulled a knife from the same pocket, he always carried these two things with him, the vial so he wouldn't lose it and the knife for protection. He held the knife up and let the light glint off the iron surface. "I promise." He whispered, swallowing the other half of the vial and plunging the blade into his chest, falling limp over his love.


It's a Friday night, but for some reason I've decided to skip out on the usual parties I attend in attempt to feel cool and opted for a nice quiet evening at the library. I don't know what drove me to do this, but once I open the doors the smell of old books makes me thankful I did. The only other people in the building that I can see are the librarian and a beautiful girl sitting alone at a table, reading a book.

"Hi." I say and sit down next to her. "I can't help but notice that you're reading my favorite book."

She looks up from the page and smiles, causing her striking blue eyes to sparkle. "Really? I've just started it, it's pretty good so far. I love the cover, it's beautiful."

"I've always loved weeping willows. What's your name?"

"Skylar, what's yours?" She asks as she places a bookmark between the pages.

"Zack." We fall into a comfortable silence before I speak up again. "I don't know why, but I feel like I know you from somewhere."

"I was actually thinking the same thing." She pushed her dark hair behind her ear before continuing. "Maybe it's fate." She giggled.

"Yeah, maybe it is."

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